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Author's note
They are very OOC. Please forgive my ass.

[Edit] Just edited it. I fucking messed it up on the first go
3rd POV

Hinata comes home after a long day of work. He opens the door to be welcomed by a hope-loving albino.
"Welcome home, Hinata-kun!" He greets like any ideal house wife, putting a smile across Hajime's face.  The brunette returns the greeting with a warm hug.

"Ah, You do know you can call me Hajime, right?" He says, smiling at the fluffy marshmallow, pulling away from the hug to place his work stuff on a table.

He then removes the tie and places it in the drawer. "A-Ah, it's just that trash like me shouldn't deserve to get to call you by the first name." He chuckles a bit sadly. Hajime sighs in frustration, looking back to face the smaller male.

"Nagito, you're not trash. And we've been literally dating for a year, I think we can agree that being on first name basis should be fine by now." Hajime retorts, frowning slightly at the hope lover's self deprecation.

"I seemed to have upset you. I'm sorry for having you to put up with me." Nagito smiles sadly at his lover, thinking that he had made his lover hate him. Hajime frowns at this as he walked up to Nagito.

"After all, I am just an annoying waste of-" Hajime cut him off with a chaste kiss. Nagito melts into the kiss, feeling Hajime cup his cheek.

"Nagito, you're worth a lot more than you think. You mean the whole world to me." He says with a serious face, looking deeply into Nagito's grey eyes.

Nagito blushes profusely at the endearing moment they were having.  A small smile formed across his face while he hummed. "I must really be lucky to have you with me." He says nervously as he holds Hinata's hand that was cupping his cheek and brings it closer to his face.

Hajime only chuckles, smiling lovingly at him and traps him in an embrace. "C'mon let's watch a movie." Hajime suggests to which Komaeda nodded to.

To Nagito's complete and utter surprise, he was carried bridal style by his brunette lover, causing him to blush from embarassment. "H-Hin- Hajime, this isn't really necessary!" Nagito exclaimed, clearly flustered by the sudden action.

"Why not? I'm only practicing so I can do this at our wedding." Hajime smirks at the very flustered marshmallow and walked in the living room. "W-Wedding?!! H-Hajime, please don't joke about that! My heart won't be able to take it!" Nagito stuttered, hiding his red blushing face.

Hajime laughs in response. "Who said I was joking?" He smiles, plopping Nagito on the couch. "S-still! You wouldn't want to spend your life with trash for the rest of your life." Nagito retorts, hyperventilating as the thought of them getting married was just too fortunate for him.

"Well, I think otherwise. Being with you makes me happy. I definitely want to spend every day of my life to be with you."  Hajime laughs lightly, scratching his neck awkwardly.

Nagito bites his lip and pulls Hajime down next to him on the couch. He kisses him quick on the cheek. The pair intertwined their hands and turned on the TV, watching a movie as they cuddled on their couch. Hajime, being the taller male, was behind Nagito, resting his head on the top of Nagito's head.

He hugs the albino from behind as Nagito's heart beated rather quickly from the affection he was receiving from Hajime.

They watch the movie together, occasionally flirting with each other, making fun of the movie and talking about getting a baby, to which Nagito choked and looked at Hajime. Hajime only laughed saying that he meant getting a new dog. Nagito panicked, saying that his luck might get the baby killed.

Hajime just reassured his soft marshmallow. "Your luck won't do anything bad to us. I promise." Hajime says, calming the panicked albino. Nagito only snuggled into his arms for comfort to which Hajime happily obliged.

It had started to rain outside, the couple had finished the movie and was enjoying each other's company despite them not talking. They didn't have to talk to enjoy each other's company.

The rain poured and Nagito silently watched as the rain hits the ground. The water splashed as he smiles at the scenery.

"You must really like rain, huh, Nagito?" Hajime assumes, leaning to the window. Nagito only nodded. "Why do you ask?" Nagito asks curiously. "Oh nothing really. You just always seemed to smile at the sight of rain."

"Without the rain, we would never be thankful for warmth of the sun. Just like when there is despair, there will always be hope." Nagito simply stated. Hajime ruffles Nagito's already messy hair and hugs him from behind, watching the rain with him.

Nagito smiles warmly at this.

"I really am lucky to have you as my lover."

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