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Nagito Komaeda's POV

I felt the burning sun shine down directly at me. I trailed my fingers along the rails as I thought to myself.

I came to a stop as I saw my beloved hope in front of me. I smiled as my eyes softened.

"Hey, Hajime. It's actually really nice to see you one more time. I don't know why you wasted your time hanging out with trash like me. It's crazy that someone as hopeful as you would have such patience with worthless scum who insulted you many times."

I saw him reach out to me but I backed away before moving past him.

"I don't have a lot to say since I can put my thoughts..into words...All I can is that I loved you and I still do. Always will. There's no changing that."

I laughed bitterly as I was welcomed with silence, avoiding any eye contact. I leaned down as I looked at the scenery. After what seemed like hours, I spoke again, having gathered the courage to do so.

"Speechless, huh? I guess I really did catch you breathless before. Heh...Well, congratulations, Hajime. You took the most fragile thing I own and shattered it. How cruel.

Was my love too unbearably annoying? Or was it too boring for you? Either way, I hope that you and Koizumi's love flourish and find happiness in your new wedded life."

He frowned as he approached me, wiping my tears with his thumb. Though, the imagery only brought me despair.

Droplets of hot tears streamed across my face as I clenched my fists to pull myself together.

I watched as he tried to open his mouth to reply but I stopped him from doing so.

"I loved you... I really did... And it- it hurts-" my voice seething with frustration and anger. "It hurts," I hissed before continuing, "so fucking much." I croaked as my eyes started to burn as I emphasized my words, feeling more tears forming around the corner of my eyes.

I quickly wiped away my tears before more of them would come out. My chest began to feel like it was burning and my shoulders felt like there was a heavy weight bestowed on them.

It was like the world has started crumbling down before me, having to carry the broken pieces by myself as I feel myself sink into despair.

"Komaeda..I" he starts but I could tell there's nothing left for him to say.

"It's fine. Hinata-kun doesn't need to worry about someone as worthless as me. Because that's what Hinata-kun wished for. For me to keep my mouth shut and disappear from the world.",

My head feels so light yet so full of you. I can't ever go back to the time where we were friends. If I had the chance to go back in time, I wouldn't want to waste your time for the second time.

"What day was it again? I can't seem to remember. But that's not important, nothing else would be worth remembering especially after all this." I say nonchalantly, feeling the breeze of wind moving past us, making my messy hair blow against my face.

"I already was a mess and yet this happens. Tell me, god. Was I supposed to be alive at this period of time? Or was I just born at the wrong time and at the wrong place?

Though, I already know the answer. I was just meant to exist. And by existing, it truly is a burden for everyone else. For my existence to have stained such hope, I truly am a disgrace." I rambled on until I was cut off.

"No that's wrong!" The same hope filled voice retorted. I turned my attention to him as I gave him a bitter-sweet smile.

"Komaeda, I know that things have been absolute shit for you and I'm sorry that I have contributed to that. Even though you may think that, you're just as important as everyone else.

Komaeda, if it weren't for you, we would have still been in the killing game and we wouldn't have gotten past the last trial.

And before you even say that you're just serving yourself as a tool for hope then I'm sorry but you're wrong.

You- You aren't just.. just some- tool for anyone to use! You're our friend! and- and we care about you..a lot. The only person who doesn't seem to think that way is you." His eyebrows were furrowed as he made his little declaration of my self-worth.

Lies. All lies. You're so bad at lying, Hinata-kun. Yet, I'll pretend. I'll believe in those comforting lies of yours.

I smiled sadly as he held his hand out. Just as I grabbed his hand, he pulled me into an embrace. And it was silent like that for a while.

"I'm going to miss you a lot, Hajime."

'ah who am I kidding..? Of course, I would get no response. The hopeful Hinata-kun I see before me is merely a hallucination. There is no point in comforting myself with my own lies.'

I hugged myself as I sniffled from the lack of comfort.

I want to see him.

'I wasn't lying when I said I was envious of you and Koizumi's relationship. I really was envious that you have someone else now.'

I gulped down a bit as I tried to hold myself back from breaking down into a sob.

I laughed sadly as I leaned on the rails, watching the sun slowly setting down. It was really a beautiful sight to be bestowed upon.

Maybe just maybe, it would have been different in another timeline. Hah..

To even have thoughts of being loved by Hinata-kun. It's only really just a pipe dream. I can't really live like this anymore because I would only bother Hinata-kun.

But I can't really help myself. It's entirely my fault that I fell in love with you. I knew the consequences of caring about someone and I tried, I really tried to push you away.

But you had to be stubborn enough to keep pushing all the right buttons. I tricked you, manipulated you and tried to kill you all.

And yet, you still came to get me. Everyone would've been better off without me and that's the truth. You still came to destroy the fake world that I've been living in, you really are stubborn.

'I'm sorry that all your efforts were just wasted away.'

Maybe my words won't ever reach you. But don't worry, I won't ever let them reach you. I'm already broken as it is. One less useless person in the world wouldn't change much, don't you agree?

'Well, I'm nearly there, Hajime. I'll do my best not to bother anyone anymore.

'I'm sorry I wasted your time.'

I felt my breathing quicken as I moved past the rails.

'But the pain of that will be over. all I have to do is-'

My steps were a bit wobbly when I finally stood at the edge.



Author's note
I was suddenly in the mood for sad times. Prolly cause quarantine is making me feel lonely ù-ú

Also I just went along with it so I guess it barely makes sense? Idk

Also it's may 5 rn so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BYAKUYA TOGAMI!!!

And! What the hecc! 1K views?? Noiceeee.

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