A story untold

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Author's note
Music video belongs to n-buna

Total word count in the story is: 3300+
Warning: Major spoilers in Danganronpa 3 anime. I barely edited this. I'm too lazy to proof-read and I just want to post something for y'all to read.

Like seriously, I literally just made the story based on the anime so please don't read it if you haven't watched Danganronpa 3. Unless you don't give a shit, then fine. Here we go

A talentless nobody's pov


My life has always been plain. So painfully boring and plain. What's there to even look forward to?

How could I make something out of myself when all I do is attend a prestigious school just to be a disappointment?

I'd throw away anything just to make something out of myself. To be useful to society. To have a meaningful purpose. To have an ultimate talent.

It doesn't matter what kind of talent I get. I'll do anything just to have an ultimate talent. So that everything doesn't have to be so hard anymore.

It doesn't matter what the lengths are.

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter to me.

At least, not anymore.

Whenever I look at the mirror, all I see is a talentless reserve course student staring back at me.

A painfully boring worthless reserve course student lacking so much talent.

A nobody.


I don't want to be a nobody.

I don't want to be talentless.

I don't want to be worthless.

I want to be someone.

I want to be talented.
I want to be accepted.
I want people to accept me.

I want to be worth so much more than just someone you could just sell off for the black market.

They always do say that you're worth something in the black market.

Unfortunately, that's the only worth I'll ever be as a person.

In this world, talent is everything. Talent is what makes you worth something as a person. Someone to look up to. Someone to be adored. Someone to rely on.

I'm none of that. But I sure as hell want to be.  I want to be someone people would want to be around. I want to be seen as an importance. A priority, maybe? As selfish as it sounds, who wouldn't want to be?

Maybe I just lack the talent to make friends or maybe, everyone else is too pre-occupied.

No, I'm just not worth anyone's time and patience. It doesn't matter. In fact, my life doesn't matter.

That's why I'm considering the Kamukura project.

To have talent. To be someone. To be adored. To be someone's priority. But by taking part of this, I'll be throwing myself away to be a whole different person. But does it matter? No, I don't think the me 'now' is worth anything.

A tired sigh escaped from my lips. The light breeze cooled me down as I sat down after my long walk and train of thoughts. 

I observed the relaxing green hue of the  leaves while listening to the calming noise of water falling from the school fountain. At least, here, I don't have to worry about anyone. The atmosphere of this place was rather pleasant. I don't have to deal with anyone disrupting me from my thoughts.

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