Our Love Nest

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Author's note
Aye wassup;;
I know I haven't updated for like a week. I feel bad for not updating. And I really did y'all dirty for the last actual one shot I made so I made fluffy sex.

Fuck what anyone says. Fluffy sex is the good shit and you can't prove me wrong. I will sore wa chigau yo Ass if you dare defy the truth.

Warning: unedited. There maybe typos. Also very OOC but that's nothing new

3rd POV
The sound of waves crashing against each other were heard as the sun sets making a romantic scenery. The beach was empty. Everyone was either in their cottages or in the lobby, eating food or doing their own shenanigans.

A brunette walked along the beach, staring at the scenery. He sighed, closing his eyes to ease his mind. He listened to the waves as he could almost feel his problems and uneasiness wash away.

A pair of cold pale hands made their way to Hajime's waist. Hajime was immediately caught off guard, squeaking in the process. He then relaxed when he realized it was his sweet marshmallow, Nagito Komaeda.

The taller albino male breathed down Hajime's neck, sending shivers down the brunette's spine. "Hey, love?" The brunette spoke, making the other hum in question. Hajime stared at Nagito in the eyes lovingly, his cheek tinted red, as he held Nagito's hand. Nagito immediately caught on as he giggled at his flushed lover, making Hajime sink from embarrassment.

"Let's go to our love nest, then." Nagito cupped Hajime's cheeks, giving him a quick kiss before carrying him bridal style. All the while that Hajime was carried, he couldn't help but feel so loved.

He was tremendously lucky to have someone like-- Scratch that, Nagito can't be compared to anyone. He's Nagito and that's why Hajime loves him. Though he may not be perfect because of all his misdeeds and way of thinking, he still fell for Nagito Komaeda.

Nagito set him down on the soft cushions of their nest. Hajime whines at the loss of the warmth of his lover. "Nagito~" Hajime whines as he laid down on his back with both of his arms at his side. Nagito stared at him in awe.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful..." Nagito breathed out, making Hajime blush heavily. "mmph.." Hajime felt Nagito's lips press against his. The pair intertwined their hands as they began making love with each other.

The two rubbed against each other's bodies as they kissed, held hands and all that intimate stuff. "Haa..Hajime.." Nagito panted as he felt Hajime's hand make its way to his face. Nagito smiled as he held the hand closer to his face, kissing it.

"Nagito~" Hajime purred as his chest went up and down as he panted. Nagito pressed down on Hajime's body as he started kissing down the brunette's neck.

"mmhh...ah~" Hajime moaned softly as Nagito started to unbutton Hajime's shirt, while playing with his nipples, twisting them.

"L~love! Ahh! Ahn~!" Hajime's breath hitched as he felt Nagito's teeth sink down his skin. A whimper escaped from his lips. Nagito chuckled before proceeding to give kitty licks on the very obvious hickey that formed in Hajime's tanned skin.

"With this, everyone will know you're mine~" Nagito spoke as he smirked. Hajime rolled his eyes as he removed his unbuttoned shirt and kicked his pants off of him.

"Sweet heart, you made it pretty clear to everyone when you decided to shamelessly kiss down my neck while rubbing my thigh like a perv!" Hajime blushed at the memory.

"Aww c'mon. You loved it!" Nagito teased as he kissed Hajime's inner thigh, making Hajime shiver.

"Nnhh~ shut up..Haah...! Ahn~!" Hajime moaned as Nagito bit down on his sensitive skin. "Nagitoooo~ Stop teasing~!" Hajime whined.

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