One craft stand

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Author's Note
Sup fuckers. I know I'm super fucking late, but...Halloween fic-

This is part 3 of Placing my mc bed next to urs

Might edit this later in the morning

Spoopy Halloween Fest~

It was a chilly afternoon. The town was decorated with Halloween themed objects. Pumpkins were scattered all over the neighborhood while kids' laughter echoed during the lively event.

Of course, being a pair of childish idiots, said idiots would definitely take part in trick or treating.

"Come on Ko!" The brunette exclaimed enthusiastically as he dragged his fluffy-haired companion.

"Stop yanking my arm, geez! If you don't look ahead, you're gonna trip again." Komaeda huffed while warning him as he was dragged along by his boyfriend to do trick or treating with him. "Where are the others?" Komaeda asked, as the leaves beneath their feet made a crunching noices.

"They said they'll be at the Halloween festival nearby. So hurry up! I bet there'll be candy apples there!" Hajime drooled at the thought while Komaeda snickered at the face Hajime was making.

"Also- GAaHk!" The brunnete's sentence got cut off after tripping like an idiot. Luckily, Komaeda foresaw this and caught him by pulling on his shirt.

"Hajime, this is the fourth time you've tripped, I-"  Komaeda was at a loss of words while Hajime just babbled incoherently to cover up his embarrassment.

While Hajime continues to disappoint Komaeda, a simp with bright pink hair and baby-faced looking yakuza passed by.

"KAZUICHI, GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OVER HERE. GIVE ME THE FUCKING M&M'S."  A short blonde wearing a cop costume yelled, chasing after Kazuichi who was wearing a thief costume.

"AHHHH- nO. With these, I'll be able to seduce miss Sonia!!" Kazuichi screamed as he ran as fast as his legs could go.

"Fucker, you can't even get ur single ass a girlfriend and it's obvious why!!" Fuyuhiko retorted as he huffed from running since his little legs can only run so far.

"Nah Man! I want THese m&m's either way!"Kazuichi screamed as he began running for his life.

"GIVE ME THE M&M'S BEFORE I SHOVE A WHOLE LOG UP YOUR ASS!" Fuyuhiko pulled out a piss gun and pointed it at Kazuichi.

"AGHHDHSHHS! NEVER-" Kazuichi shrieked as he bumped into Komaeda and Hajime. Kazuichi's face was pale as he realized Fuyuhiko was gonna shoot him with a piss gun over a bag of  m&m's.

"Oww! Kazuchi, what the heck, man?" Hajime groaned as he picked Komaeda after falling down. "Nngh..Ah-" Komaeda hissed in pain as he held Hajime's hand while Hajime bent down to help him.

"Oh fuck, Komaeda, are you oka-" Kazuichi's concern disappeared in a flash after being cut off.

"SIKE!" Komaeda yelled as he yoinked the m&m's bag from Kazuichi while Hajime flipped him off as he made his escape with Komaeda.

Ironic that he was robbed while he was dressing up as a thief this Halloween.

"Get tricked, Kazuichi!" Hajime shouted from a distance while Kazuichi's face contorted from shock to fear as he heard an angry huffing noise right behind him.

"Hand. Over. The. Fucking. M&M's." A deadly aura surrounded the menacing short blonde as Kazuichi began praying for himself.

Rest in Peace, Souda Kazuichi.
He will be missed. (Prolly)

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