Summer Surprise

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Requested by Smol_Veemo
Music Video by n-buna

Humans are often frightened by things that they can't understand, usually getting either curious, defensive or making brash decisions.

In a world full of many mysterious mythical beings, it was only a matter of time that humans would be blinded by their own greed and desire.

Because of that, said mythical creatures have hidden themselves from the human eye, never to be seen again.

Humans, who have ventured out to find them, had no luck in finding any single sign or evidence of those beings ever existing.

That is, until sightings of merpeople increased and once again, history repeated itself.

People have gone missing after sailing off to sea. Only a few had managed to find merpeople and killed them. But only scales and sea foam remained after they completely die.

So, it was best if you kill them on board. Even better, if you manage to contain them in a tank to keep them alive. They might sell well in the market or might as well sell them to the rich.

Then one faithful day, a hunter came back with a mermaid that was fortunately still alive. He was congratulated by many hunters. Scientists offered to pay a lot to study the creature.

The hunter refused and kept the mermaid to himself, only selling the shiny scales that come off naturally every now and then.

The mermaid was scared, depressed and frail. The hunter, of course, knew this and felt bad. While he did originally wanted the fame and glory of being the first ever human to bring back a mermaid alive. He was still a person who can sympathize with living beings.

At first, he had tried to make the creature warm up to him, which didn't change how the mermaid viewed its captivator. It was afraid, furious and wanted to be set free.

The hunter, driven by guilt, knew better than to cage it for eternity, never to be free again. The freedom to live is something he didn't want to take away from such a beautiful creature.

Even though he had wanted to befriend the mermaid at first, he knew that he can't force them to like him. So he went to sea, once again, to where he had found the mermaid.

The mermaid swam around the tank in frantic behavior, wanting to be let out. The hunter sighed but felt relieved after having opened the tank as the mermaid jumped out into the ocean.

The dive made a big splash sound while the hunter watched the mermaid return to their family.

The mermaid was happy to be finally free from humanity's hands. They glanced at the ship, giving one look at their former captivator before finally swimming away.

The man could care less about what his family would say about it, he was glad he had enough mermaid scales to sell off so that he could atleast get some money out of it.

He would keep a single one as a souvenir from this encounter to remind himself not to do such a cruel thing again.

"What? Mermaids? That sounds like a bunch of baloney, dad!" A brunette child protested, raising a brow in disbelief.

"Well, you wouldn't say that if you had met one in person." A deep soft masculine voice said, a chuckle emerged from the brunette's father.

"But pops, have you, yourself, met these merpeople?" Another child asked, hair as dark as chocolate.

"Well...met isn't all that happened I used to have a relationship with one." The father smirked, chuckling at the boys' shocked faces.

"Whaaat??! You cheated on mommy???" The brunette child cried while the other kid hugged his brother as if he was protecting him.

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