Bloomed Feelings

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Nagito strolled around the park, spending his time gazing at the sky. As he wandered around, watching his classmates chatter and  have fun with each other which brought a smile to his face as he starts to walk away from the park.

Today was a very special day for Nagito Komaeda. Why? It's a secret.

Somewhere in a secluded area, he meets up with a brunette. "Ah, Komaeda." He smiles at Nagito, patting the ground to tell him to sit down with him.

"Is something troubling you? You look lost in thought." He says nonchalantly as he relaxed himself, lying himself down on Nagito's lap while he stared at the starry sky.

"Ah, well. You could say that..I guess I'm just....conflicted." Nagito trails off before he continued.

"Want to talk about it?" Hajime asks him.

"Not really.." Nagito sighed then replies with discomfort within his voice. Hajime only hummed in response, not pushing him to say anything further.

"I'm surprised you're here, Hinata-kun." Nagito says, curious as to why Hajime was here instead of being with the others. 

"Why is that?" Hajime asked the albino male, then glanced at him.

"Well, usually. You're always with Nanami-san ever since you two started dating." Nagito implies as he stared at the stars.

"Heh, envious much?" Nagito looks back down to see a smirk across Hajime's face.

Nagito frowned at him, rolling his eyes. "..Yeah, totally." Nagito responded with much sarcasm. "I feel bad for Chiaki to date someone from the reserve course though." He teased, hitting a nerve.

"Hah?! The hell you talking about Komaeda." Komaeda chuckled at the brunette's reaction.

"Whatever. Anyway, Chiaki's really sweet. She would leave me dozens of cactus flowers at my doorstep even when it's supposed to be the opposite. The flowers looked really beautiful too. Sometimes, I really wonder how she got that much flowers."  Hajime rambled on about how perfect Chiaki is.

"Please, do tell me more about your love life. My single ass can definitely relateeee." Komaeda said with sarcasm as he drags his words.

"Eh? Are you being salty, Komaeda?" Hajime nudged him, a smug grin plastered across his face.

Komaeda puffs his cheeks. "I'm not.." he mumbles irritated.

"You're fun to tease Komaeda. Heh!" He smiles brightly, laughing softly. Nagito felt a lump in his throat.

Nagito coughed, unable to handle how adorable he looked, looking away from Hajime. "Woah, are you okay? Did you just choke on air just now-" Hajime asked as he sprung himself up.

Nagito had his mouth covered and took shallow breaths before he shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket, regaining his composure.

"Haah.. I-It's fine." He said, trying to brush it off. Hajime quirked an eyebrow at him but shrugged it off.

"If you say so." Hajime goes back to staring at the stars, finding comfort in the cool atmosphere.

Nagito, on the other hand, was in cold sweat. He couldn't breathe properly. He's been suppressing his feelings for the male brunette. He'll stay around just a little bit longer. Just a little more and he could finally leave.

It's not that he didn't want to be around Hajime. It's just... unbearably painful. Still, he tried to to enjoy this moment with Hajime despite how much it hurts him to know that his feelings won't ever be reciprocated. After all, he doesn't deserve to be with Hajime or anyone at all.

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