Not an Update[Important]

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Hey! It's been a while. It's been 2 years since I wrote in this oneshot book. I have so much to say but there's something I want to address first.

 I have so much to say but there's something I want to address first

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     As you can see, this was my previous cover. So why am I bringing that up now?

     Well, as an artist myself, I would feel really upset if someone used or edited my art without crediting me.

     I truly apologize to the artist that I only just decided to do this now but I feel really bad not doing anything about it for so long, so I tried to look for them.

     I did a reverse image search but most of them were either from wattpad books or from sites that were in a different language that had similar art, although it wasn't the same picture I used for this book cover. So I'm not sure if any of the results was the artist who made it.

    If anyone is able to tell me who the artist is, please inform me in DMs so I can properly credit them. Thank you!

    And to anyone who was expecting any updates, I'm really sorry but I won't be making anymore stories here.

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