I'm glad it's you

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Author's note
Btw, Hajime won't always be the taller male since I switch depending on mood. Pretty sure it's going to be super OOC no matter what I do. Gomen.

Nagito's Pov
Soulmates. Two people that are fated to be together for eternity. Tis such a beautiful yet unfair concept that reality has yet again made to make us fall into a fit of despair or hope for having us go through such a pointless yet exciting thing.

I, myself, feel absolutely horrible for whoever has to be a soulmate of such a disappointment. Just the thought of having someone who would love you for the rest of eternity feels all too good to be true. Despite that, I can't help but wonder who it could possibly be to have deserved to be with trash like me.

To find said soulmate, there is some sort of black stain where your partner is supposed to touch you. As amusing it may seem, I have a black stain across my face.

Wow, I must really be such a disappointment for my soulmate to slap me across the face. No matter, it's just fitting for a talentless guy like me.

Most people who have black stains on their faces would usually hide them. But I could really care less about it. I do tend to get looks of pity from people whenever I pass by them.

Ah, that's enough out of me now, I have classes to attend to. Now, where is homeroom again...

After searching, I managed to find it on time. There was Souda-kun and Kuzuryu-san at the desk, beckoning me to come over. I managed to let out a smile as I sat right next to them.

"Hey, dude. Have you found your soulmate yet. Baby Gangsta, over here just went and immediately found the lucky chick when they just brushed their hands by accident-" Souda blabbered but was soon cut off by Kuzuryu who jabbed him on the side.

"Shut the fuck, it's not that big of a deal." Fuyuhiko turned red, rolling his eyes at him. "A-Ah, me? soulmates? Unfortunately, I haven't really been slapped by anyone in particular. Well, not by my soulmate." I laughed lightly as I scratch the back of my neck.

"Condolences, dude. I've completely forgotten about that. Sorry, man" He apologized. I shook my head, telling that it's fine."well, just because it's on your damn cheek doesn't mean it's automatically a slap." He says, trying to be optimistic.

"Ah, well. Thank you, Souda-kun, Fuzuryu-kun." I said, making them raise an eyebrow at me. "Dude, we've been with each other for like, I don't know. Since 3 fucking years ago. You can drop the honorifics." Kuzuryu-san exclaimed, making me a bit overwhelmed.

"Calm down, Baby Gangsta. It's Nagito. He'll go on his own pace, man." Souda-kun said, calming him down. Fuzuryu-san sighed and apologized to me. "It's fine! Really! You don't have to apologize to me, Fuyuhiko." I exclaimed as his eyes widened in shock.

Kazuichi-kun only laughed at this. "Hell Yeah! You showed him, Nagito!" He cheered. "Well, anyways, have you found your soulmate yet, Kazuichi?" I asked, the name feeling foreign as it rolled off my tongue.

He sighed with exasperation. "Sadly no matter how many hand shakes I've had. I still haven't found themmm." He whines.

"Maybe you don't have a soulmate?" Fuyuhiko teases to which may have made Kazuichi-kun go feral. "WHA- DON'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT- I'm Sure as hell I have one!" He shrieked, frantically speaking.

"H-He's only joking, Kazuichi-kun." I say, trying to calm him down. Fuyuhiko only laughs in a teasing manner. "Geez, I was only fucking messing with ya. Don't take it too seriously, you fucking baby!" He says with a smug grin.

The teacher went in and everyone went quiet. As usual, the teacher discussed about mathematics and suddenly turned into a storytime class where the teacher talks about his soulmate to which a lot of us groaned, having to hear this multiple times.

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