Talent swap Au

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Author's Note
Requested by @SHSLAce

Not sure whether it's supposed to be switched personalities as well but I just based on what I've seen in Tumblr. Forgive me if I made a mistake of confusing Hajime with Nagito because I did that a few times.

3rd POV
It was just like any other peaceful day in the tropical island. There hasn't been any murders lately, it's been pretty peaceful which was really unsettling for the brunette.

He's really worried, especially worried about Nagito Komaeda. Maybe he's planning something? What if he's planning to kill someone?
What if he tries to kill himself for hope?!!

"No, I'm over-stressing things" he thinks to himself. He just decided to not think about it. After all, stressing over it won't do any good. Maybe, from now on there won't be anymore murder-

"This is a special announcement! We now have a new motive for you all! Upupupu! What's that? You want to know? Upupupu~! You'll find out sooner or later!"

"Damn it!" Hinata curses in frustration. He decided to go to the lobby, meeting up with everyone else, including Nagito who was being held down. He wasn't really fighting back either so it was really pointless.

Hinata doesn't really comment on it though. It's never too safe when it comes to someone as mentally unstable as Nagito Komaeda.

"Ahaha! The hope-filled Hinata~kun is here!" Nagito says with pure adoration. Well, his adoration is more on impure than pure actually. "Shut, you psycho!" saoinji shouted at him while most of them just gave him annoyed, freaked out or concerned looks.

"Hey, guys. You heard the announcement, right?" Hinata asked. "That is correct, mortal! My four devas of destruction have foreseen this." Gundham answered like his usual self.

"I am concerned that Monokuma hasn't informed us about the motive" Sonia said after.
"Yeah!!! What do you all think the motive will be?!!" Ibuki screamed in a panicky voice that is somehow enthusiastic at the same time.

Everyone talked about the announcement while Nagito occasionally commented on how amazing it is to witness the ultimates working together to prevent another murder and how much hope they have. Everyone just ignored the mentally unstable boy's comments.

"Alright, it's settled! Let's split into groups to keep an eye on each other!" Ibuki shouted. "How about boys check on each other while girls check on each other?" Sonia suggested.

"Awesome suggestion, miss Sonia! Just as expected from a princess!" Kazuichi said in awe to which Sonia ignored by talking with Gundham about his four devas of destruction. Kazuichi felt himself deflate at this.

Everyone agreed with this plan. They didn't really care about Nagito's opinion since they knew he would just go along with it. Not like Nagito said anything either.

The boys hung out until it was almost dark then discussed about going into pairs or trios to sleep over in one cottage of their assigned partner/s so that they would have alibis in case a murder happens and be able to deduce the number of suspects.

They immediately left Komaeda in Hajime's hands since nobody wants to deal with the demented marshmallow. Hinata wanted to refuse but they just went off, backed away and booked it, wishing him luck.

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