You truly are...

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Komaeda Nagito is alone. A very pitiable digusting lonely man. He was completely worthless and good for nothing. That was the initial thought and mind set was what lead him to believe that it was better for him to serve himself as a stepping stone for the Ultimates.

He wasn't always alone from the start. From the very beginning, people had initially thought that maybe he was just a really chill guy with a very low self-esteem.
But ever since they saw his true colors in the first trials, it was all over.

The once warm and friendly aura was replaced by disgust and hatred towards the demented albino.

One thing led to another and he was soon tied up and left in a room. In the room where it happened. Komaeda just had to ruin the everyone's fun and start the killing game, huh?

That's not important. Nothing about a single fiber of his being is worth anything. Completely and utterly useless trash, that's what he is. But maybe, just maybe, he can be useful to the Ultimates so that they can achieve the ultimate hope.

Speaking of hope, there was a brunette who, despite how annoying and painful it was for him to deal with Nagito Komaeda, still tried to understand him. He still tried to reach out to him. Someone like him would definetely carry such immense hope. Ah, but that's too bad.

He's just a mere reserve course student

Nagito Komaeda, whom thought so highly of the Ultimates, had suddenly become so cocky, so bitter and so full of hatred towards Hajime, the same brunette who tried to understand him.

It may now be the case that Hajime Hinata wanted nothing to do with him. He just couldn't understand Komaeda. A lowly reserve course student, that's what Hajime is. No talent, no hope sleeping inside him and yet, the strong feelings of being drawn to the brunnete of what he had thrown away to rot still lingers inside him.

Did he truly say that he believed in the hope sleeping inside Hajime Hinata? Someone even more worthless than trash as himself? How pathetic of him to be so blinded by false hope. He punched the wall in frustration and anger.

How hopelessly disgusting and worthless. This was all just bad luck. In sheer spite, Nagito lashed out and planned out the finale of this killing game.

After the spear had finally impaled him. He thought of the first thing that came to him. Hajime Hinata. After that, darkness consumed him.

Hajime on the other was shocked and angered while there was a pang of sadness in his chest. He was angry, no one could blame him for that. He hated Nagito Komaeda with all his guts. Nevertheless, he continued to push past the despair.

And so, he had found out who the traitor was. He found out Nagito's intentions. Of course, he felt remorse and complete and utter hatred towards the Albino.

Hajume hated him more than he hated himself. And for fuck's sake..why did Chiaki have to die? The pain was overbearing but for Chiaki, he would learn to push past the despair.

Once again, he had awoken to see that he was in a pod. After that, the other survivors woke up shortly after. They remembered all their memories of when they were in Hope's peak. It was unbearable. They had killed so many people.

Even so, they had to keep hoping. In the past, they had changed for the worst and now, it's time that they change for the better.

With the memories from the neo world program, they had regained their sense of sympathy. They waited for the others to wake up and now, the only one who hasn't woke up is Nagito Komaeda.

Even though everyone else didn't really want to deal with him anymore, their memories of when they had been tainted with Despair reminded them that they weren't really one to judge. Hajime believed that Nagito had done what he did to eliminate despair. It was a messed up way of thinking but he still believed that maybe, just maybe, they can mend their friendship.

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