Happy Birthday, sweetheart

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Author's note
It's short but I'm tired so shhhh
If it doesn't make sense I had a brain fart. I'm sorry that's it's so corny and lovey dovey. I was getting the loneliness pangs because I fucking envy these two

Picture above is not mine.
3rd POV

It was another calm morning for Nagito Komaeda. He knew what the exact date was. How could he not? It's the day of his unfortunate birth after all.

He spent his time just as like any other day. Greeting everyone as they wished him a happy birthday. Heh, he couldn't even be enthusiastic as they were about today. He never really celebrated his birthday before so this was new to him.

It was heart-warming really. To have people celebrate your birthday when you know that there will be bad luck after to compensate for the good luck of what came from that.

"Hey, haven't you been through enough? Shouldn't you have good luck til then?" They asked.

Well, that's not how his talent works. His talent really is worthless. He really is worthless. And yet, they stayed around. Whether they disliked him, despised him or not, they still celebrated his birthday.

The best that luck has ever done for him was  to be able to meet everyone from the Neo World Program. And that was enough for him. He didn't expect any more good luck to come.

Oh, how wrong he was. He really couldn't believe that he, a reserve course student of all people, genuinely took interest in trash like him. Someone so kind yet someone who is only artificial hope.

He wanted to be like him. To become hope, itself. It's really flabbergasting to see someone like him to even take the most fragile thing he had. His heart.

Even so, Nagito Komaeda was glad he took it. Because at the night of his birthday, Hajime Hinata held him close that night as he spilled all his feelings unto him.

Everyone was watching in the background as Nagito watched the brunette in anticipation, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Nagito, from the day we started dating, I was really happy to be with you.You were there to help me when I was a complete mess. You complete me and I love spending our time together.

You may say that you are trash but to me, you're my whole world. You are the most special person to me and I, very much love the idea of waking up beside you every morning. 

Seriously, who gave you the right to steal my heart? You make me feel better as a person and as a partner. I love you, I love your eyes, your messy hair and your beautiful fucking smile.  You are too beautiful for this world. Komaeda I-" he pulled out a small box containing a ring.

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart...Will you marry me?"

The albino male cried all throughtout his speeach as he felt his knees go weak as the brunnete knelt down as he said the words that made his heart beat out of his chest.

"I- you...o-of course I will, dumbass!" Nagito choked out as he cried from happiness, tackling Hajime while bringing him into an embrace. Hajime smiled as he cupped Nagito's cheeks, kissing him passionate.  Nagito melted into kiss as they pulled away.

Everybody congratulated the two for their engagement as they left gifts for Nagito. They all teased the couple which only made Nagito turn a rosy red as he kept clinging onto his soon to be husband.

That night, Nagito felt so afraid that his luck would get in the way but in the end, he was reassured by the brunnete as they went into their own little world just for the two of them.

That was officially the best birthday that Nagito ever had. For he had gotten the best gift he could ever wanted.

To marry the love of his life. It was the most hopeful thing he had ever felt. He never felt so fulfilling and satisfied and he thought he was already content with just being able to date him but now he had realized how much more he wanted.

It was selfish. He knew that. But for the first time in his life, he never knew how good it felt to be this selfish to have someone in their life.

It was warm and comfortable as they shared a kiss under the covers. As their skins touched, they felt a burning passion inside.

Nagito felt way too lucky and so did Hajime. To have him under him was truly a sight. It only made him adore how beautiful Nagito truly is.

The two kissed even more passionately as they held each other's bodies. After they disconnected, they stared into the other's eyes lovingly as they began making love that night.

"I love you, sweetheart." Hajime whispered in a hushed tone. Nagito snorted and chuckled, making the other quirk his eyebrow at him.

"When did you become so sappy! Pftt.." Nagito teased to which made Hajime's cheeks tickled pink. "Well, I-" Hajime started but was cut off by Nagito kissing him.

"I love you too, you sap." Nagito smiled cheerily as Hajime stared at him before smiling lovingly at his partner.

They continued their night whole cuddling each other for warmth and comfort. Nagito truly loved the warmth from Hajime's embrace. He rested himself on Hajime's 91cm tiddies-

He laughed internally at the thought. As he did, he could hear Hajime's heartbeat. It may be weird to some but to him, it soothed him, knowing he's alive and well by his side.

He felt his hair being ruffled, making him look up. Hajime kissed him on the forehead, making his cheeks heat up from display of affection.

They kept being lovey dovey the whole night. It was enviable.

It truly was the best birthday Nagito ever had.

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