I want your hope

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Author's Note
Warning: It's smut. Also there may be a lot of typos since I couldn't be bothered to check.

Edit: I published this earlier but it fucking cut off the majority and I was pissed because I just finished it. The previous one was better too.


3rd POV
Pure amusement was shown in the grey-green eyes of the male albino as the neon lights flickered frequently. The music was just as what you would expect from a normal club. To be more specific, a gay stripping club. Surprised? Of course not.

It wasn't like he hadn't been here before. In fact, he goes here quite frequently to fuck around with someone who caught his attention

Before, Nagito could care less about the people in the club but one particular person did catch his eye. A male stripper with luscious brown hair.

Nothing really too special about the guy besides his impressive chest size for a guy. He just didn't fit in with all the other strippers or maybe it was because the male stood out the most out of every other strippers there were.

This brunette turned out to be quite interesting since the others were all just the same and insignificant to the albino. This guy, this guy is something else. He had the look of hope and probably even tastes like hope, itself.

Nagito couldn't stop watching in anticipation as the brunette stared at him intensely with such lust.

He couldn't finish that thought as the brunette had his grip on the pole as he danced beautifully, giving Komaeda a seductive expression as the sweat from his tanned skin dripped down his body.

Komaeda smirked as he tried to contain himself. A while after, the brunette had left the stage as he winked at the crowd, walking past Komaeda as he placed a small piece of paper on his table.

Komaeda blinked. Damn. What a show. He took a look at the piece of paper and read it. "It seems like you have a bit of a problem down there. Why don't I take care of that problem of yours?"

Komaeda chuckled at this as he went up from his table and left to find the brunette. He knows where to find him. After all, this wasn't the first time this has happened with the brunette.

After he had left the club, he met eyes with the brunette in skimpy clothes.  "Hey, Komaeda~kun! Did you need something?" He says with an innocent tone except that expression on face was far from innocent.

Nagito chuckled at him as he whispered seductively from behind the smaller male's ear.

"I'll have you fucked senseless as I fill your quivering ass-pussy with my hope as you moan like the bitch you are." He says in a husky voice as his hand trailed down to Hajime's ass, sending shivers down his spine.

Hinata mutters in a small voice to take this somewhere private. And so they went to a secluded area, the bathroom stalls. Pretty disgusting for somewhere to fuck around. Especially at how unhygienic the place looks from the outside so it's definitely the reason why nobody really goes to use the restrooms anymore.

The stalls in the restroom were covered in graffiti. Actually, the restroom didn't really smell as bad as you thought it would be. Mostly because the two may or may not have made the restrooms smell a little more decent beforehand so that they can fool around without having the stench to ruin the mood.

Komaeda took over, kissing Hajime's neck as they entered a stall, locking it from behind. Hajime's breath hitched as he felt his nipples get erect. Komaeda sucked on Hajime's neck giving love bites on his tanned skin.

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