Kimi no kibō

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Author's POV
So I've been dying with lack of motivation to get out of bed. If you want to request, go ahead. I'm honestly bored.

Reader's POV
A pale man with white hair basked in the sun as he listened to waves of the blue ocean. sometimes, it feels nice to just stop and appreciate the little things that the world has to offer. It's just so full of....hope.

There isn't a day where the male doesn't think of hope. After all, Hope always wins in the end. Sadly, even if he bet all his luck, he still couldn't be the ultimate hope.


To think that a talentless nobody like him would be the ultimate hope? That is truly infuriating and disgraceful of him to even think so highly of himself. Trash like him doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as the Ultimates.

There is one other person who he despised more than himself. And that person is Hajime Hinata, a talentless reserve course student. He's even lower than trash like him!
And to even dare to talk to the Ultimates like he was on the same level as them, how cocky of him.

Nagito Komaeda clicked his tongue at the thought. After that last trial, he had lost all respect for Hajime.

Yet his feelings for the reserve course student stayed. It's annoying how he fell for someone so hopeless, so talentless yet so kind that it's so frustrating.

The man as white as snow had planned on throwing away his feelings but it backfired everytime the brunette had approached him.

He swore to himself that he wouldn't open up completely especially to a reserve course student but lately he felt like he said too much. Any longer and he would've run his mouth off.

Now he questioned himself, did he truly love the hope within Hajime Hinata, a talentless reserve nobody, or was it his own heart that was in the way of achieving the ultimate hope?

This had gone way too long. If Hajime Hinata truly did have hope inside then hopefully...

Hopefully, he will be able to unravel the mystery of Nagito Komaeda's death and to reveal the traitor's identity.

Nagito hoped that the mere reserve course student wouldn't figure it out. He had hoped so much to kill everyone who had been tainted with despair. For the sake of hope, he must sacrifice himself to get rid of despair.

And so he had executed his plan. There he was, on the ground, a knife stabbed into his hand as a spear impaled his stomach. He only relied on the luck that the traitor was the one that had grabbed the container of the poison.

That's when everything turned black. Or so he thought.

He lived.

Everyone did excluding Chiaki, who turned out to be a programed ai in the Neo World program.

The memories of when they were in hope's peak academy rushed back to him, pained him and realized how he, too, had been tainted with despair. Ah, is that how it is?

It seems that he had been unlucky enough to be this lucky to be alive. It feels like a piece of his past self returned. It's something he couldn't comprehend.

After his memories returned, it was a heavy burden for him. For he, too, had caused despair but what for?

For the sake of hope, right?

When he had awakened that day, he was met by eyes of olive green and blood red. "Hey, are you there?" A familiar voice called out to him.

It took him a solid 5 seconds to reply as he stared at the person in front of him.

"Ah.. you're Izuru Kamukura-" he cut himself off.

"Ah, No..You're...Hajime Hinata, right?" Nagito corrected himself as he reached out to him. Hajime grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

"I guess I should thank you for waking me up. I knew you'd make it to the lowest stratum-

I believed in you." Nagito said nonchalantly.

That's the truth. And that's the fact that Nagito Komaeda had tried to ignore. The fact the he believed in Hajime Hinata.

The fact that he truly is in love with the hope sleeping inside Hajime Hinata.

The fact, to be simply put, that
he was in love with Hajime Hinata.

"How are the others?" Nagito asked out of curiosity. And as his words left his mouth, the gates opened.

"You're the last one out."
Hajime responded as the gates revealed everyone from the Neo World Program.

The sight was rather hope inducing. The light shone on Nagito as a smile crept upon his face.

He walked towards a ship as he was met by two familiar faces in front of him.

"You've been brain dead for a while. The heck were you dreaming of anyway?" A short male with blond hair and an eyepatch asked.

"Apologies, I guess I overslept a bit, heh.." Nagito replied back to Fuyuhiko as he smiled.

"Were you dreaming of girls or something?" A male with pink hair in a jumpsuit asked.

Nagito laughed and brought the two in a hug. "The hell are you trying to do?" Fuyuhiko asked with confusion as he gave his signature frown.

"Well, it wasn't a bad dream.." Nagito mumbles loud enough for them to hear.

The duo were pretty freaked out with Nagito's sudden behavior to which Nagito just laughed it off awkwardly as he looked towards the person in front of ship.

Hajime smiled at the sight as he reached out his arm for Nagito to grab.

"Let's get going, then, shall we?" the brunette spoke.

The albino went past the two and walked to Hajime. "Yeah," he reached for Hajime's hand. "Let's set off." Nagito had held onto Hajime's hand for support.

And so, the ship sailed.

Nagito still had mixed feelings but he truly is grateful for the second opportunity. He started the killing game but truthfully speaking, without his sacrifice, they wouldn't have gone a step further to the truth.

Hajime Hinata. He truly is likable. Unlike Nagito, who was known as the psychopath. Well, this time will be different. Why?

Because hope is here.

And Hajime won't ever let Nagito go again.

For he, too,
had feelings for him.

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