Fingers in his ass

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Hajimeme suspected that Nagihoe was cheating on him so one nite. He went home early and crawled inside the house by entering from the window.

There he saw Sans and Nagihoe with fingers in ass.

Nagihoe gaspEd "hAjimemE! It's Not wot iT lOoks liKe!" 

"NAGIHOE, WHY U HAVE FINGERS IN UR ASS?!!" Hajimeme shRiEkEd. Sans went By Nagihoe's side."It's fingerS in His ASs SunDay!" Sans ExclAimed as he proceeded to t-pose at hajimeMe to assert dominance.

"NAgihoe, It's nOt EvEn SundAy?!" HAjime ScReAmed blooddY MuRDer.

"iTS BecAuSe, I WAnted DIcc But U have SmAll PEePEe!" NAgihoe cRied, as attEmpTed to poiNt his finGer at HAjime but hAd ForGotted He hd finGerS in His ASs.

"dAs Right, nAgiHoe IS now My WaifU. Fucc Off, ScrAwny hEdgehoG!!" sAns cussed at him while proceeded to commit fingers in his ass wiTh nAgihOe.

Hajimeme cry, mad at NagIhOe's BetrayAl. AnD so, hE turnEd inTo A hEdgehoG anD nmaed hImselF HajimemE the Hedgehog.

He becum Depressed so he rAn awAy fRom hIs gAyNess. BUt he just wasnT fast Enough.

Years past, He BeCamE Well knOwn and had a lovely Waifu nAmEd orange Juice. He Was Deeply In love With orange jUiCe. ANd so, he fucketh oranges juice. durIng His Seccy tIme with oranGe jUice, he realized that it will never be as tight as NagIhOe's ass.

He cry and suddenly pineapples.
This did not help. The next day, there was a knock on the Door. HAjimeMe diD nOt answer. So the door was smashed.

There stood nagiHoe wiTh no fiNgers in his Ass bUt instead not In his ass???

"Why u here? I thought u were with Sans?" Hajimeme said angrily. "Yeah but Fingers in his ass Sunday ended so..I want to fucc and smash "


And so they fucc and had hot yaoi sex. They also both got pregnant somehow. It was definitely normal though. They kept fuccin and died from homosexuality because they forgot to say 'no homo'

The author dies from a seizure after writing this.

April fool's bitches

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