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It was about a few months ago when it had happened. When Nagito Komaeda had committed suicide. No one really knew as to why he did it. He always seemed so cheerful and kind to everyone. So why? Why did he kill himself? Why him of all people?

He was always the strange one, that boy. Someone who kept his values close him and his ideals of hope and not giving to despair. But why did he kill himself? What for?

No one knew why. No one was ever close enough to him to know why. No one ever noticed. When he had died, he was all the school would talk about. He was popular. All for the very wrong reasons to be.

Do you ever wonder what could've happened if you cared enough to stop, to reach out or to at least say good morning. Even one hello would have probably do. But no, everyone just kept treating him like he didn't exist, like he was an outcast but all he had ever done was treat them so nicely.

Nagito Komaeda was one of those ultimates, wasn't he? Weren't ultimates so important these days? Then why? Why didn't they help him? Why didn't anyone see how much he needed help?

Why didn't anyone see how much pain he's been hiding?

Why? Why...?

Why didn't I see this coming?

I was supposed to protect him. I was supposed to be by his side at all times. Why did I not notice?

I'm supposed to be his friend.
Why? Why didn't I notice?

Why didn't I help?

Why? Why?

All these questions circled around my head, asking why over and over when I already knew the answer.

I failed to to protect you. You deserved the world but the world didn't deserve you. You were so much more.

So much more.

I didn't know what to do not what to think of after you left. But all I know is that people are cruel and you were already at your breaking point.

You've been sent over the edge.

Tired of everything.

Tired of everyone.

Tired of living in a world full of greed and deceit.

I wanted for you to forget everyone else in the world. To live in a world with the two of us.

Just the two of us.

But now that you're not here,


"It's pointless now."

Author's Note
I found this short vent I made while I was really into the Komahina angst. It's short but I just wanted to post smth bitter after the last chapter </3

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