Love is Blind

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Author's Note

This was a request and I apologize to the person who requested it.

Request: a fic where Nagito is blind
The title is intended-

Part: 1

I'm sorry this is short but I promise I'll write more.

Music Video belongs to Cavetown

Reader's POV

It was another boring day of middle school. Same old teachers, same old classmates, same old friends and the same old shitty principal.

It was just like any other school day.

A student with dark brown hair sat around in the middle row at the center of the classroom. He would've preferred the back where his friends were or at least the window seat but he can't really decide that for himself even if he wanted to.

The teacher wanted to mix things up and decided to seperate everyone's friend groups, in hopes of everyone making new friends.

Yeah, it'd work sometimes but some people never really talk to you unless they had a reason to or if they needed something from you.

An example of this is asking your seatmate how to do a math problem.

Unfortunately for Hajime, he wasn't exactly seatmates with a knowledgeable person...

But it wasn't like he was terrible at math. Though, he's considered to be one of the many students who don't give two fucks about it.

When would he ever need to do such complicated math, huh?

It's not like he'd pick a career that needs him to find the fraction of a second divided by 11037 or whatever complex mathematical equation there is to know.

And it's not like he needs to know that an octagon is a shape that has 8 sides, right?


Well, that was the mindset that he had. He just didn't think half of the shit he learns are worth anything to him in the future, probably. But, of course, that mindset is heavily discouraged by everyone who says other wise.

It's always been a must with morals in this school too. There are a lot strict rules but they're not really all that bad either.

All these rules didn't really please him but then again, he didn't really care. He was considered a brat by many of his peers but the brunette didn't give a shit about what anyone else thought of him.

He sat in his seat in a criss-cross position right on his seat, which was considered really rude of him to do and was often scolded a lot because of it.

He had an opened notebook that was full of his doodles and mediocre drawings of what looks a child would draw. They weren't bad but at the same time it's not anything special. 

His drawings were so-so.

He spaced out for a while when he had started doodling until he heard whispering all over the classroom.

He quirked an eyebrow and heard a few people talking about a new issue or something. People are so weirdly intrigued over gossip. He couldn't say that he had no interest in it though. He'd be lying if he said so. It's only natural to be curious.

Class hadn't started just yet so he went to ask his friends about it. They explained that a group had found out that a new student was supposedly going to transfer in this very class.

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