Autumn Day

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Author's Note
Aye I've been loaded with school work recently anyways I felt like writing smth short for stress relief so here-

Reader's POV

Red-orange leaves were scattered over the pavement. It was an autumn day and it was a bit chilly outside. A man with silky white hair stood out in the open, seemingly admiring the season as he caught a leaf that fell at the palm of his right. He stared at the leaf for a while before letting it fall down on the ground.

The sky was just like the color of the leaves, a red-orange hue that painted across the sky like a canvas. Without knowing why, staring at the sky made him feel lonely.

The pale man emitted a tiny sneeze as he rubbed his hands that were exposed to the cold. He stared at his empty palms before blowing his breath on them to keep warm.

He leaned on a railing as he waited for time to pass. He closed his eyes and sighed softly. The park was quiet and not many people were around at the time.

The white-haired male thought to himself in silence as the wind came his way, making his hair blow in the wind like some shonen protagonist.

Having neglected his palms, they became cold to the touch from being exposed to the cold wind.

The male flinched once he felt someone's presence. He opened his eyes to face them. He calmed after he locked eyes with olive green eyes.

"They're cold." A brunette male stated with a soft calm voice as he held his cold hand with his warm ones. It was nice.

Having someone hold your hand must feel nice, no?

"Ah. Have you been here long?" The white-haired man asked nonchalantly, not minding the physical contact. The brunette only responded by shaking his head and continuing to warm up their hands together.

"Your hands are warm, Hinata-kun." He spoke as the other raises his head to meet his eye level. A breathy chuckle came out from the brunette as he smiled wryly at the other.

"That's because I'm not stupid enough to forget my gloves when it's cold outside, Komaeda. Here, you might catch a cold." The brunette teased as he offered him his gloves.

Komaeda tried to refuse but Hinata insisted until Komaeda finally accepted one of his gloves and left the other one to Hinata.

Honestly, having someone look after you like this must be nice.

"Won't your other left side be cold?" Komaeda asked worriedly as he creases his eyebrows. Hinata only smiled at him as he laughed softly.

"You already know what to do. Right, Komaeda?" Hinata spoke as he held out his left hand.

Komaeda flushed a rosy pink as he mumbled, "Y-Yeah." Komaeda inched his right hand towards Hinata's. It took a few seconds before Komeda finally linked their hands together.

Komaeda looked away, flustered at the look Hinata was giving him. "S-Stop looking at me like that."

The look on Hinata's face didn't change as he softly questioned him, "Like what?" He held the other's chin to face him.

Komaeda gulped as he uttered, "Like I'm the most important thing to you-!"

Saying such embarrassing cheesy lines to each other, it's quite enviable.

Hinata was a bit surprised at Komaeda's choice of words but he quickly fixed his composure and replied, "It can't be helped that you are. you a lot, Nagito." Hinata flushed at his own words as he cupped Komaeda's face with his right, as he initiated a quick kiss.

Komaeda kissed back to Hinata's surprise and clenched their connected hands together. After separating, the two stared at each other as they panted for air. Komaeda's flushed expression gazed at Hinata before resting himself on his shoulder.

"Hey, Hajime?" Komaeda softly called out, still resting his head on Hinata's shoulder. Hajime hummed in response as he continued to pet Komaeda's fluffy hair.

Komaeda whispered near his ear, making Hajime stop petting him. Komaeda stayed silent after that, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

The silence was broken by the brunette snickered, "Is this your way of teasing me, Komaeda?"

Komaeda only chuckled as felt himself get lift off the ground. "Ah! H-Hey! Wait!" Komaeda exclaimed as Hajime carried him in his arms. "After that? I don't think I can let ever let you go now, Nagito." Hajime dead-panned as Komaeda squirmed in defiance.

"Hajime, please let me down! What if someone sees us!" Komaeda panicked as he tried to get Hinata to let him down. "There's barely anyone here, Nagito. Relax. Besides, you're the one who egged me on." Hinata smirked as he pointed that out while Komaeda's face heated up in embarrassment.

"You're too much, Hajime." Komaeda muttered as he felg himself smile at his statement. Hajime quirked an eyebrow as he kept walking. "What was that, Nagito?" Hajime asked in suspicion.

"Ah-Nothing, I just said you're really smart, Hajime." Komaeda said, brushing it off. "Hey! That's definitely not what you said. And I am smart!"

"Pfft. Yeah, you sure are." Komaeda held back  a chuckle as Hinata gave him a look of disbelief. Hinata rolled his eyes and muttered,

"I'm not going easy on you this time."



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