Don't go.

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It's okay

It's okay to cry.

Let all those tears out.

It will feel better that way. So you just need to keep in mind--

That it's okay to cry.

It's always been seen as a bother when somebody is sad. They say that you are sensitive because they don't know what the pain is like for you.

If you feel like you're the worst, I need you to shout that you're the best. Because you simply are.

It must be so hard to deal with a big burden on your shoulder. If you feel lonely, think of me. I love you so much, please keep thinking of me.

If you ever think of hurting yourself to ease the pain, just cry into my arms. Your skin doesn't deserve to be cut. Just hold onto me if you ever feel that way.

If you want to cry, then go ahead and cry. Because you're very much allowed to do so, I promise you that.

I'll always be thinking of you, watching over you, as if you were my own.

So please, don't let go of my hand. Hold it tightly and never let go. You're far too precious for the cruel and cold-hearted world.

The world is full of deception and despair that covers up the good things. I'm only hoping that we all equally perish the same pain so all of us may stop shaming the other for no apparent reason.

The world is full of so many bad people but you are the exception. Yes, you made mistakes and so have I. That was already a given.

It's only human for us to make mistakes. We aren't perfect. But god, to me, even your flaws appeal to me.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you so much.

So please, stop hurting yourself.

It hurts me to know that you're in pain and it hurts me even more that I haven't been there for you in your times of suffering.

That was my only regret.

Please, keep holding my hand, don't ever let go. I can't live a world without you.

You give my world meaning.

You're my light when I'm in darkness.

You're all I see.

So let's take a step back and do our best to live on. I promise you that it won't be so bad. So please...

Don't leave me, my sunshine.

"Don't let go of my hand..."

I cried desperately as I heard the monitor flat-lined.

Author's note

Ass. Anyways-

This was a short vent that happened when I was in an angsty mood to write a paragraph that formed in my head out of nowhere while I was listening to music.

Edit: Oh yeah. I never mentioned who's pov this is-

Ehm it could go both ways, I think-

Music by Kaai Yuki -Ikanaide
Video from Tanjirou Music.

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