Simply Attraction

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A male with dark brown hair in a reserve course uniform sat near the window side of a cafe.

Scribbling on the blank paper with frustration, a sigh escaped the male reserve course student's lips.

"No good in drawing either, huh?" He said to himself, closing his eyes with his eyebrows knitting together, clearly disappointed with himself.

"What about writing? Then again, I'm really no good with imagination. Still, I think it's worth a try." The brunette thought to himself, eyes fluttering open once he had made his decision.

"A plot. What should I write about? I don't know what to write about..plot. I need a plot.." he thought deeply before reaching for his cup of cappuccino.

He was at his favorite cafe, he loved the aroma of coffee but not as much as he loved orange juice.

The reserve course student had been trying to see what skill he could improve but it all seemed pointless if he had to be honest with himself. Still, he kept trying.

"Maybe I should start thinking about what genre I should lean to. Romance? Sci-fi? Tragedy? Fantasy? Mystery? I really don't know what to go with. What's the point in trying if I know it's just a waste of energy?"

No, that's exactly what he shouldn't be thinking about. Giving up is far worse when you haven't even started. He might as well try.

He took a sip of his cappuccino before looking at the window beside him. Droplets were present while it was moist from the outside. Clearly, it was still pouring outside.

How unfortunate. The reserve course student had forgotten to bring an umbrella. How pitiful. No worries, he'll just wait it out until it stops raining.

After staring blankly at the sheet of paper, he decided to write his ideas on the sheet of paper, only for him to crumple it up and start over.

What he didn't notice was that a pair of greyish-green eyes were directed at him. The pair of eyes belonged to a young white-haired male. Curious as to what the reserve course student was doing, he couldn't help but stare intently.

The man with messy white hair and sickly pale skin was almost done with his shift. He noticed the brunette didn't bring an umbrella. He chuckled lowly to himself, "He must be waiting it out, huh?"

Komaeda couldn't deny that he found the guy rather interesting. Or maybe it was just his own curiousity.

The brunette looked at the window after he had his fill of writing, checking to see if it was still raining outside.

After consuming the last drop of his cappuccino, he took a sharp intake of breath before sighing exasperatedly. "I doubt it's gonna stop raining soon." He said, mumbling to himself.

Picking up his papers and putting them aside in his bag, he decided to finally go home. What perfect timing, Nagito had just finished his shift and changed out of his uniform, now wearing his casual clothes.

The brunette had finally stepped out of the cafe, he felt like he had overstayed his welcome so he might as well go home already rather than prolonging the inevitable situation.

The only thing that was preventing him from being soaked was the roof of the cafe that was just far enough for him not be rained on.

"Might as well get this over with" Hajime thought to himself. Just as he was about to step into the rain with his bag over his, he felt a tug on his uniform.

"Excuse me." A voice said, catching Hajime's attention. Hajime turned around to see the white haired boy from the cafe.

"Ah. Yes?" The brunette felt quite anxious when he saw that the waiter from the cafe had stopped him. "Did I forget to pay? No, i definitely didn't. Maybe he wants a tip? Maybe?" Hajime's thoughts circled while he waited for the albino to speak.

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