Placing my mc bed next to urs part 2

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Author's note
it's super OOC btw
Here's what the actual title is:

Cuddles and Smash

Third POV
After Hajime had enough of playing Minecraft with Chiaki, he decided to log off and decided to bring his Nintendo switch for him and Nagito to play with.

After, he had everything he needed, he went out of his room so that he can make it up to his sulking boyfriend.

After a few hours of going out of his way to get something to make Nagito forgive him, he finally went to Nagito's dorm.

Hajime knocked on Nagito's door but was greeted by Nagito telling him to go away.

"Nagito, open the door, I'm sorry-" Hajime sighed, nearly sweat-dropping at how stubborn Nagito is.

"I told you to go away, meanie!" Nagito yelled from the other side of the door. Hajime rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Oh well, I was planning to play smash and eat together but I guess that won't happen. I guess I'll have to eat this pizza all by myself then."

There was a moment of silence before shuffling was heard, making Hajime smile cockily once Nagito had opened the door for him.

Nagito was still pouting angrily while averting his gaze. Hajime chuckled before ruffling his boyfriend's soft hair with his free hand.

"You had me at pizza.." Nagito muttered as he motioned for Hajime to come in. Hajime let out a stiffled laugh as he placed the pizza box on the coffee table of the living room.

"You knowwww, you did steal my stuff, you big baby. I don't see why you should be sulking." Nagito rolled his eyes and yanked Hajime's arm forcefully, causing him to lean forward in surprise.

"Mmph.." Their lips had crashed against each other, just as Nagito had intended to do. After a few moments of them kissing each other, they finally pulled away and Hajime was the first to speak after.

"If you wanted a kiss, you could've just asked me, you shit." Hajime flicked Nagito's forehead, making Nagito flinch and rub the attacked spot.

"You're so cruel, Hajimeeee. Hmpph! I thought you were going to comfort me!" Nagito fake-cried. Hajime didn't really want to put up with his boyfriend's annoying facade and so he bonked him on the head.

Nagito winced slightly and glared at him in annoyance. They really are a weird couple. It's amazing how they're still together when they act like this.

"Did you steal my stuff just so you can get me to buy you food?" Hajime's eyebrows quirked as he opened the box and was about to get a slice for himself.

"Maybeeee.....Hey!" He slapped Hajime's hand as to not let him touch the food. "Nagito, what the fuck?" Hajime groaned in annoyance but was more confused as to why he did that.

"Wash your hands, you moron. Don't want you to get sick.." Nagito muttered under his breath, blushing from embarrassment, hoping Hajime didn't hear him.

He heard him.

Hajime slid his hand into Nagito's hand, making Nagito weirdly anxious.
"O-Oi. Now, I have to wash my hands." Nagito retracted his hand back, afraid that his hands would get sweaty and disgust Hajime.

"All part of the plan~" Hajime cooed as they both went to wash their hands.

Everything was fairly normal
Nagito was washing his hands. Hajime was washing his hands.
It was definitely normal


"Hajime, What are you doing.." Nagito dead-panned as the water from the faucet kept running. Hajime hummed, acknowledging Nagito as his body was pressed against Nagito's.

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