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It was dark. I don't know where I am but it felt cold and empty. It was as if I had died but at the same time felt as if I had just woken up. I opened my eyes but was only greeted by pitch black. Besides seeing nothing and feeling cold, I remembered hearing sirens. Had I involved myself into an accident? That can't be what happened, can it? I don't feel like I'm in pain, in fact, I don't feel anything at all.

Could I be in a coma? If so, how long have I been unconscious? This feeling is rather unsettling. If I had died, I wouldn't need to worry about this. But I wonder if ?̶̧̛͎̰̺͕̩̻̼̘̌̃̀̐͂̂̏̉̊̓͂͑͂͒́̕͜͠͝?̷̪̪̰̝͚̫͕̲̰̝̗̆̅̿͐͒̾̐̆̐͐̽͠͝?̶̨̡̹̤̠͎̥̻͙̼͔̞͇͕̻̳̤̼̜͖̔̒͋̑̆͊̈́̓̑́͗̽̀̔͆̀͋̿̚͘̚͜ is alright.


Who's ?̸̻̰͙̣̲̗͓͈̗̫̮͕̮̼̬͚̝̙̺͈̳̟͙̯̥͚̄̅̓͂̅͊̀̔͋̂́̀̈̂̽̐̏̅̒̒̽̐̉́̀̀̎͘̚͠͝͝͠?̴̢̧̢̧̛̙̪͍̖͇͚͕̪̘͕͎̤̺͕̹̲̺̪̣͇̬͇̇̍̈́͜?̸̛̟̲̙͓̫̮͈̳͉̳̺̬͖͉̺̫̟̹̩̭̜̏̾̔͝ͅ ?

Are they supposed to be important?

But more importantly, who am I? The question repeated in my head like a broken record. I can't see nor remember who I am but all I know is that I was with someone. And somehow, I ended up in this unconscious state. I wonder if I'll die without knowing what had happened to me or who I am. Then again, do I want to remember? I'm afraid to recall painful memories that would cause a great shock as a result.

A churning feeling welled up inside me and it felt like I was being burnt alive ever so slowly. The very idea of remembering gives me a strong blow to my heart. My heart aches every time I think about it. A part of me wants to remember while the other says otherwise. But I'll ignore those feelings, since I find them unpleasant. For now, I have to wake up to know if I really want to understand what happened to me.

For a couple of days, I tried to wake up. And during those days I was physically unconscious, I would often wake up to voices. I didn't remember when I had been brought to the hospital but one day, I found out what my name is after being recently transferred to a room.

It was an unpleasant way of finding out my name. I still remember the anger from the person's voice as they kept shouting that I was a killer and should be left for dead for killing their loved one. The news came off as a shock and it made me want to never wake up. The person's voice was filled with so much hatred and pain. I don't even know them, but there was a twinge of guilt and regret that subdued in my chest. It didn't get better when no one bothered to talk to me or keep me company any more than 10 minutes

That is, until someone new showed up. I didn't know who they were but they were kind. Based on their voice, I would assume they're a guy. In all my days of being unconscious, he would keep me company and ask how I was. Even though I couldn't reply, I appreciated their thoughtfulness. In fact, I'd grown to be quite fond to him despite knowing him for only a couple of days.

Sometimes, I'd get a bit annoyed when he doesn't visit but he would always apologize too much for not being able to visit. I thought it was funny how he would apologize too much. It was relieving but somehow, I still felt like something was missing. And I could bet it has something to do with my memories. I hope I wake up soon.

A couple of months passed by and I still hadn't fully woken up from my coma. Somehow, it feels like my heart died despite surviving an accident. I still hadn't remembered my memories but it feels like my dead heart reeks of feelings I had towards someone. If I recall properly, from the start, there was this ?̷̟̬̺͊?̶͔͗͆ͅ?̴̪̣̠̅͊̂ who seemed to be an annoying stain that I can't get rid off my mind. I don't even remember how we first met but, I'm sure they're a kind person.

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