I want your hope (WIP)

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Author's Note
Here's a lil something something to tease you with.

Warning: It's smut and y'all probably need bleach with you as you read this.
They're also way out of character here. Like a lot. God my eyes started burning when I had to write.

Third POV
Pure amusement was shown in the grey eyes of the male albino as the neon lights flickered frequently. The music was just as what you would expect from a normal club. To be more specific, a gay stripping club.

It wasn't like he hadn't been here before. In fact, he goes here quite frequently to fuck around with someone who seemed interesting enough.

Before, Nagito could care less about the people in the club but one particular person did catch his eye. A male stripper with brown hair.

Nothing really too special about the guy besides his impressive chest size for a guy. He just didn't fit in with all the other strippers or maybe it was because the male stood out the most out of every other strippers there were.

This brunette turned out to be quite interesting since the others were all just the same and insignificant to the albino. This guy, this guy is something else. He had the look of hope and probably even tastes like hope, itself.

Nagito couldn't stop watching in anticipation as the brunette stared at him with such lust.

He couldn't finish that thought as the brunette had his grip on the pole as he danced beautifully, giving Komaeda a seductive expression as the sweat from his tanned skin dripped down his body.

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