Placing my mc bed next to urs

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Third POV

It was an ordinary day for an ordinary life full of ordinary people. That's most probably because Hajime Hinata is just an ordinary guy except he's more geeky than you'd expect him to be.

It's a good thing that both his best friends are gamers as well. He blames Nanami for introducing video games to him. That ended up making him addicted like she is.

Nagito wasn't that much of a geek but he loves being able to play with his boyfriend, Hajime, and his best friend, Chiaki.

"Hey, Hajime. Where are you?"

"At the base. Chiaki, where is my minecraft dog that I was just about to tame???" Hajime asked, clearly confused.

"You mean the wolf you leashed on a fence?" Chiaki clarified for his verification.

"Yeah??" Hajime responded with more confusion after seeing a big fucking hole that replaced the fence and ground where his wolf should be.

"Got blown by a creeper while I was running away." Chiaki answered nonchalantly while trying not to laugh.

"Oh my Atua, can we all get an f in the chat." Nagito snickered at Hajime's loss.

"Ghh! God damn it, Chiaki.." Hajime muttered to himself as he groaned in annoyance.

"Ey, You already have Nagito as your bit- Chiaki's sentence was cut off by the brunette.


"Uh guys, there's a bunch of pillagers heading towards our village." Nagito said as he passed by the village, collecting the crops while watching the pillagers get nearer.

"Lol, kill the captain." Chiaki suggested as she went down their mine.

"Sure." Nagito smirked as he had the bow in his inventory.

"Don't die." Chiaki said as she went down further to the ravine they recently found.

"OKAY, WHO TOOK ALL MY DIAMONDS?!! Chiaki??" Hajime shrieked once he opened his chest that he hid in another room then immediately assumed that Chiaki took his diamonds.

"Hey, I have more diamonds than you could ever have. You do know that, right?" Chiaki dead-panned.

"Your point?" Hajime sneered as he groaned.

"Look, Hajime, I didn't get your diamonds for God's sake." Chiaki groaned in annoyance.

"Komaeda???" Hajime then went outside of his Minecraft house.

"Nope. I bet Kokichi stole them when he joined the server." Komaeda said as he proceeded to shoot the captain with his enchanted bow.

"Shoot, I forgot about that." Hajime said in realization.

"Lmao, he probably did take it." Chiaki agreed with Nagito's assumption.

"I'm gonna check his house." Hajime said as he went on his towards Kokichi's minecraft house which wasn't that far off.

"Dude, I'd be careful if I were you. Last time I went to his Minecraft house, I ended up activating his trap that opened the ground, leading to a pit of lava with cobwebs so you slowly fall to your death. I almost fell but I guess my luck saved me from losing all my stuff." Nagito warned as he recalled his traumatic near death experience to almost losing all his stuff.

"Bruh." Chiaki said as she placed down a bucket of water to go down to the bottom of the ravine.

"I'll just put all my stuff in a chest then." Hajime said as he crafted a crafting table from his leftover wood before crafting himself a chest.

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