two. mr. weasel

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~mr. weasel~

IT WASN'T LIKE VIOLA had never gotten into trouble from her parents before, so why was she feeling so nervous this time?

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IT WASN'T LIKE VIOLA had never gotten into trouble from her parents before, so why was she feeling so nervous this time?

She was worried now was finally the time they had been reserving to talk about the Triwizard Tournament- or something along those lines anyway.

She supposed she was lucky enough to go this long without them saying anything. But she wished they could have gotten it over with already- it was like some kind of cruel punishment the way they had made her wait so long. The past few weeks she had been anticipating their rage, their shouts, just something to let her know they were angry. She was dreading it, but also felt like she needed it. She still just wanted someone to scream at her that it was all her fault, because it was- at least, Cedric's death was, and she wasn't being held accountable for it.

Her mind was like a prison, keeping those guilt-ridden thoughts trapped, leaving them to just grow and get even stronger, killing any of those doubts that maybe it wasn't her fault. The key was lost, and those ever-growing thoughts were completely unrelenting, taking joy in tormenting her whenever possible. She was a prisoner to her own mind, and there was nothing she could do about it.

True to Edwin's word, Bartholomew and Alexandra were waiting in the living room. They were sitting in silence, a solemn look set firmly on Alexandra's face, while Bartholomew's was almost completely devoid of emotion. Alexandra's hands were clasped, though she was fidgeting with her fingers. Viola awkwardly cleared her throat to announce that she was there.

"Edwin told me you were looking for me?" she said tentatively.

"Yes," said Alexandra. "We wish to talk to you. Edwin-" She sighed, looking at the door- "this does not concern you, nor do we wish for you to be involved. Why don't you go and play outside while we settle matters?"

Viola heard Edwin groan, and then the sound of retreating footsteps. She sat down on the chair opposite her parents, waiting for them to make the first move. She was not starting this conversation.

"Well," said Alexandra, glancing at her husband, who was gazing around the room, "I take it you are aware that you will be going to stay at a friend's house in a few days?"

Oh. Viola's mind went momentarily blank. That was not what she thought they wanted to talk to her about.

"Yeah," said Viola slowly. "Yeah, I got a letter about it earlier."

"Well, we've been told that you will be going to Diagon Alley with them, so your school supplies should be sorted. I am assuming you will be staying at school during the holidays?"

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