fifteen. the stupid egg

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~the stupid egg~

-CHAPTER FIFTEEN-~the stupid egg~

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The day after Christmas always had a rather gloomy feel, that was just a given, but not even after Boxing Day did things get better.

Because of the neglect she had been showing her huge pile of homework, Viola was forced to spend countless days flipping desperately through books to try and do it all before the deadlines. She hadn't realised how much she had just not paid any attention in the last few weeks leading up to Christmas in class, until she started her Potions essay.

That, mixed with the remembrance of the steadily approaching second task wasn't doing anything good for her stress levels. At least she figured out that Hermione wasn't angry at her— she had a fight with Ron at the ball, but luckily enough they seemed to agree to just not mention it from then onwards. Though Hermione was back to her usual study mode, which wasn't good for helping Viola calm down.

But perhaps the most infuriating part was the Daily Prophet articles. In January, an article had been released about Hagrid and how he was half-giant. He wasn't showing up at lessons and seemed to be hiding out in his hut.

A few days later, another article was delivered to Viola. But this time it wasn't about Hagrid; instead, it was her name that graced the front page. A stupid-looking picture of her was gazing up from the paper, a title overhead reading:

Hassle at Hogwarts: Viola Jugson— conqueror or conspirer?

Viola Jugson, fifth Triwizard Champion (and third Hogwarts Champion) has conquered her first task with unbelievable competence. While being the second youngest champion, this girl of glory has captured the interests of several avid tournament lovers with her quick thinking and sharp mind. But is there more to this jinxed junior than what meets the eye?

Sources tell us that Viola Jugson has been caught theorising about Ministry workers and evil schemes with other illegal champion, Harry Potter. Viola has not only accused a principled member of the Ministry of Magic of putting both hers and Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire, but has also been seen influencing the Boy Who Lived in more ways than one.

For those who like to keep up with all the latest wizarding news, you may remember another article about our fourth and fifth champions. Well, we have been fortunate enough to latch a very student from Hogwarts who has been able to update us on those affairs.

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