nine. the astronomy tower

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~the astronomy tower~

VIOLA WAS SURE SHE had misheard him until every pair of eyes in the Hall turned to her

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VIOLA WAS SURE SHE had misheard him until every pair of eyes in the Hall turned to her. She felt herself freeze; it was like being under a spotlight in front of a huge audience. Most people were looking between her and Harry, every single one completely nonplussed.

She couldn't form a coherent thought. Her mind had gone completely blank and she was half convinced she was in a dream, because there was no way this could have happened.

Realising her mouth was open and she probably looked awfully stupid to everyone who was gawking at her, she shut it and quickly shook her head.

"I didn't put my name in," she heard Harry say blankly from down the table. "You know I didn't."

She blinked and looked around at the students surrounding her. With a sudden pang of anxiety going through her gut at noticing some people were beginning to look angry, she quickly muttered, "I didn't enter—"

No one responded in any way: all she got back were astonished, annoyed looks.

Whenever she had conjured up some kind of daydream during boring classes or gone to sleep thinking about being chosen for the Triwizard Tournament, she had imagined applause and cheers like the other champions had gotten. But even so, that's all it had been, a daydream. A stupid little fantasy that her lonely mind had thought up in order to give her some sort of excitement. But deep down— even though she had discussed it with Seamus— she didn't actually want to be chosen.

Some of the students, who had been stunned into silence until that moment, began whispering to each other. Viola only caught random words thrown around (the most popular of which was "cheats") and deduced that they were not saying anything good.

It was messing with her mind that was already processing slowly enough, and goddammit, why was her heart beating so loudly?

"Harry Potter! Viola Jugson!" Dumbledore shouted again. "Both of you! Up here, if you please!"

Both of them rose slowly and shared a bewildered glance as they got to their feet. Their faces were a mirror of each other, both etched with lined confusion and utter bafflement. Viola wondered if Harry was feeling as panicked as she was on the inside.

Harry, who was a bit ahead of her, stumbled slightly on the hem of his robes. Viola was willing her legs to stop trembling, but they were refusing to, making her steps shaky.

Viola couldn't believe how long the walk to the table was— had it always been that long? It certainly didn't help that hundreds and hundreds of eyes were watching her every move and the whispers that were growing louder with every step she took.

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