six. the boggart

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~the boggart~

THE DAY PASSED IN a weak blur of irritable moods and monotonous clock chimes

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THE DAY PASSED IN a weak blur of irritable moods and monotonous clock chimes. Even with the entire battlefield of Grimmauld Place to plough through, the hundreds of areas to clean didn't account as a sufficient distraction for anyone. The war being waged on the house by them no longer felt important.

Tensions were high, nerves were pulled tight, and the mere wrong thing said by someone could snap the taut cord of another, and send them into an angry fit of word vomit— nothing made sense, but the pent up anxiety over how Harry's hearing was going would burst, finally overflowing in the form of an irate rant.

Viola could feel her own irritation rising, and bit her lip to stop an outburst as she worked with Ron and Hermione to rid an old bedroom of Chizpurfles— tiny, crab-like creatures that had taken residence in the old smashed cauldrons and potion bottles that still had small drops of brew clinging to the shards. It would have been a tedious job any other time, but with Ron and Hermione's constant bickering, she was half tempted to run both of them through with the pointy glass.

"For the last time, Ron, you're using too much potion! This is all we've got, there's not an unlimited supply!" protested Hermione as she disdainfully watched Ron douse one of the cauldron remnants in purple potion.

"Hey, I'm getting them— see!" He pointed to the cauldron. "They're tiny, how'd you expect me to be able to get them otherwise?"

"We can't waste this, Ron," snapped Hermione.

Viola leaned forward to pour some potion on a glass when Hermione's arm snapped out from her side, reaching across Viola— and, in turn, blocking her— to hit Ron's arm. She scowled down at Hermione's arm as Ron said, "Right. If you're so brilliant at this, then why don't you do it? Mind you, at the rate you're going, it'll take about twenty years."

"At least I'm actually getting rid of them!" seethed Hermione. "If you did it all, you'd still have half of them left by the time you're finished—"

"Oh shut up, the both of you!" Viola finally said. After receiving a glare from either side, Viola leaned back and continued, "Everyone's been like this all day and I'm sick of it. I know we're all worried about Harry, but there's nothing we can do, so stop arguing about everything and just get the work done!"

"How d'you expect me to get any work done when she's constantly telling me to do it some other way?" demanded Ron, shooting Hermione a dirty look.

Hermione opened her mouth indignantly, and from the furrow of her eyebrows, Viola knew she was ready to argue. "Either shut up and get your work done or ask for another job away from each other," Viola hissed. She let her potion bottle fall to the floor and stood up, leaving before either of them could get another word out.

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