twenty-one. good gossips

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~good gossips~

VIOLA HAD GROWN used to bad dreams

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VIOLA HAD GROWN used to bad dreams. From her nightmares as a child of her uncle, to the ones about her parents after their hatred formed once she was placed in Gryffindor, then last year with the whole Triwizard Tournament.

She was used to waking up in a cold sweat, haunting images imprinted in her mind's eye as if they were pictures being held in front of her face. She was used to conjuring up imaginary threats looming in the darkness or under her bed, used to the chilled unnatural feeling that snuck through her body as flashes of the dream played through her mind.

But Viola wasn't used to the voice.

It had appeared a few times before, though only once had it been as strong as this. Then, it had spoken about her, a conversation about how she was no longer needed for... something. Yet this time it was different, not speaking about her at all.

She had been walking through the dimly lit passage to Honeydukes cellar, a Kappa jumping out from the dark to attack her. She had screamed, kicked and thrashed in a desperate attempt to get away. Then, as it opened its mouth, Viola caught a horrible glimpse of razor-sharp teeth. She winced, ready for the pain that was about to come—

But instead of an attack, the Kappa began to talk in a high, cold voice that sent chills down her spine. It was still slightly broken up like last time, but it sounded slightly stronger.

"... his co-operation is dwindling... he does not like what I have done, freeing his brother... no, an arrangement must be made... the curse... it must be—"


The tunnel dissipated, the voice leaving Viola's head to instead be replaced by Hermione's worried one as she hovered above her.

Viola took a deep breath and sat up, rolling up the sleeves of her pyjama top in an attempt to get some air. There was a strange sensation in her stomach, a tingling similar to what she had felt that night in the graveyard but more painful. A coat of sweat was clinging to her forehead, hair tickling her neck uncomfortably.

"What were you dreaming about?" Hermione whispered. "You were thrashing around."

Viola brought a hand up and rubbed her head, eyes adjusting a little in the lack of light enough to see the other girls awake, Lavender and Parvati staring over at her as if she were a maniac.

"Just a bad dream," she whispered back, voice hoarae as she reached for the glass of water on the table by her bedside.

"I don't believe that for a second," said Hermione firmly, glaring around at Lavender and Parvati, who had just begun whispering to one another. "Oh honestly, go back to sleep," she snapped at them.

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