nineteen. chivalrous champions

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~chivalrous champions~

FEAR IS NOT THE MOST pleasant emotion to endure

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FEAR IS NOT THE MOST pleasant emotion to endure. Sure, in the moment it can clear your brain and sharpen your wits to get you through a difficult situation, but the endgame? All it does is negatively affect your body. Viola had her fair share of overwhelming tides of fear crashing over her for various reasons over the years (ranging from not having her homework completed to battling a dragon), but this feeling was completely new.

She would be lying if she said her parents' absence hadn't thrown her off her game a little. Even though Bartholomew showing up would have entailed a dramatic scene, Viola was a little upset that her mother hadn't showed. She hadn't even received a letter from her mother— threatening or otherwise— since Christmas, and all the card had said was a simple 'Merry Christmas.' Nothing exactly thought-provoking.

She supposed the correct word to describe her current state was jittery. Something of the sort anyway. Each passing second was ticking by agonisingly slow but it also felt like mere moments ago she had just woken up.

Nevertheless those ropes of time weren't giving up now and pulled her straight through the period of Dumbledore telling the champions to go to the stadium to actually arriving at the stadium. It was as though she could clearly remember each step she took all the way from the Great Hall to the arena, as though she remembered all of the good lucks she received on her way out. But it also felt like she had Apparated from her seat right to the edge of the maze. Her mind was just completely frazzled, going haywire as all of her emotions caused the system to burn out like faulty wires.

Neither her nor Harry spoke on the walk down, nor when they reached the area of their possible doom, just murmured as many spells under their breath as they could to try and jog their memory, just in case the fear in the maze fully took control of their minds and wiped them clean of all pieces of useful information like a virus.

The hedges were a lot higher than the last time Viola had been there— well over twenty feet high. She never thought a word to describe a hedge would be scary, but looking at those monstrous things, that word seemed like an under exaggeration. Who knew what was hiding behind them or beneath them, waiting to attack. Waiting to make their move.

"Are you alright?"

Viola jolted at the sound of the new voice and tore her stare away from the towering bushes. Cedric Diggory was standing behind her, pale and clearly nervous judging from his fidgety hands.

"Oh— yeah, just ready for this tournament to finally be over. You?" She was vaguely aware of her foot tapping against the ground, a distraction to keep her grounded in the moment.

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