two. the portkey

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~the portkey~

THE FEW DAYS LEADING up to the Quidditch World Cup were filled with Edwin trying to coax his dad into letting him have the ticket instead of Viola

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THE FEW DAYS LEADING up to the Quidditch World Cup were filled with Edwin trying to coax his dad into letting him have the ticket instead of Viola. But Bartholomew wouldn't relent, and for once Edwin didn't seem to be getting his way. At first he had pestered his father about why there couldn't have been three tickets, but after realising that that wasn't getting him anywhere, he changed his tactic to trying to acquire the second ticket.

The requests to go to the match over breakfast every morning changed to subtle glares at Viola once he realised that he wouldn't be going. Yet Viola didn't care about his petty looks, which seemed to infuriate him even more.

It wasn't, however, until the night before they were to leave for the match that he sat the whole family down in the large living room and proceeded to offer up a very thought out presentation about why it should be him who got to go to the match and not his sister.

It had taken well over half an hour, during which Viola had tried to leave several times but had been stopped by her mother. She was just about losing the will to live when he finally said, "And so, in conclusion, I have displayed how the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, henceforth, making me a better candidate to go to the Quidditch World Cup than Viola."

Viola rolled her eyes at him. He always tried to use extra fancy vocabulary in front of their parents whenever he wanted something—no doubt making use of the dictionary he kept by his bed in order to learn more new words. It made him seem smarter and more mature, which often resulted in them being proud of him and giving in to whatever it was he wanted; it was quite a smart move, really, Viola thought (though would never admit aloud).

But it wasn't working this time.

"That was excellent, Edwin, very well put together, but I'm afraid the answer is still no, you are not permitted to go." Alexandra noticed him open his mouth to retort, an indignant expression on his face. "No arguments," she said. "Now, off to get ready for bed, it is getting late."

Edwin, very unwillingly, left, but not without shooting Viola a glare that looked as though he hoped would kill her with just his eyes. She smirked at him, enjoying the fact that she had the upper hand for once as he trudged up the stairs.

"Viola, dear, do go to bed soon yourself. You and your father will be getting up early in the morning to take the Portkey."

"Can't we just do side-along Apparition?" Viola queried, knowing that it would be a lot easier and quicker for them than taking a Portkey. Not to mention it would also allow her to sleep in for longer. She had never done it before, her father always saying that she would have to pass her test first, but it was still worth a try.

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