twelve. dragons are bigger up close

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~dragons are bigger up close~

NOT ONLY DID VIOLA unintentionally fall asleep and have a nightmare on Saturday night, but she also overslept on Sunday and missed breakfast

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NOT ONLY DID VIOLA unintentionally fall asleep and have a nightmare on Saturday night, but she also overslept on Sunday and missed breakfast.

So, on top of already feeling an overwhelming sense of panic, she was also hungry— but she had no time to sneak into the kitchens; she had to make a start on finding out how she was not going to get killed by a dragon in two days.

Most of the day was spent in the library, scanning through as many books as she possibly could. At one point, Harry and Hermione came into the library to work on figuring out a plan, too. Viola had a quick conversation with them, but Harry didn't know what he was going to do, either. Usually, knowing that someone else was in the same boat as her would make her feel a little better. But not this time. She couldn't find any books with any relevant information on getting past a dragon, and time was running out.

So, essentially, Viola was royally screwed.

There were several moments where she almost burst into tears as she finished flicking through another book, only to find nothing useful. Her scalp was beginning to hurt from where she was pulling her hair in annoyance, and she felt as though she couldn't sit still and kept repositioning herself in her seat, unable to find a comfortable spot.

"Hi, Viola!"

Viola's grip on her hair loosened and she looked up to see Dean sitting down in the chair across from her. "Dragons," she said abruptly. "That's the first task."

Dean's smile slipped from his face as the words hit him. "What do you— dragons? How do you know?"

"Found out from Hagrid," she whispered, glancing around to make sure no one was listening. "There's one for each of us and I have no idea what I'm going to do."

Dean swallowed and racked his brain for something. After seemingly coming up with nothing, he stood up. "Okay, I can't think of anything off the top of my head— but that's fine!" he said, noticing her expression, "— because I can help you look through the books for something." He walked over to the nearest shelf and picked out a copy on dragons, bringing it back to the table.

"You know, I had been researching some spells for you. I haven't been able to find you much out of lessons this week to tell you, but I wrote them down for you— here," he said, reaching into his pocket and passing her a piece of folded over parchment.

Opening it up, Viola was met with a list of about ten spells, all with the incantation, use, wand movement and theory behind them. Viola stared at it with her mouth parted— not because of the spells, but because Dean had taken the time to actually do this for her. He had mentioned that he would help, but she had just thought they were empty words. But the fact that he actually did help her was able to alleviate a bit of her stress.

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