nine. a late-night mission

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~a late-night mission~

THE NEXT DAY, THINGS were not much better

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THE NEXT DAY, THINGS were not much better. If the sound of the heavy rain lashing against the windows— and waking Viola up early from whatever troubled sleep she was managing to get— wasn't a good indicator of how the day was going to go, she wasn't sure what was.

She leaned heavily on the oak wood of the Gryffindor table, eyes threatening to shut at any moment as she glared down at her bowl of cereal. It was only day two of the first term and she was already so done. Plus, the other students didn't seem to be easing up with their annoying comments towards her and Harry; she already lost track of how many people had said anything this morning. Not to mention Hagrid still hadn't made a return yet.

"On the plus side, no Snape today," said Ron bracingly, stabbing a sausage onto the end of his fork.

Viola blinked heavily as a mug was slid in front of her.

"Some coffee," said Hermione, "might help wake you up a bit."

Viola smiled tiredly in response and took a sip.

While what Ron said about not having Snape was definitely a big help in getting through the day, what did not help was the amount of times the professors mentioned the upcoming exams. Viola tended to zone out whenever they went on these rants (which, on several occasions, led to games of tic-tac-toe with Harry)— they already knew the exams were coming up and that they were important, they didn't need the professors reminding them every five seconds.

The rain had mostly lessened up by the time Care of Magical Creatures rolled around, but there was still a briskness in the air that chilled Viola's bones.

The rest of the day's lessons passed tantalizingly slow, and when it was finally time for dinner, Viola was wrecked. None of the teachers were taking it easy on them this year, and she was having trouble figuring out how she was supposed to keep up with everything.

Since Harry was set for detention at five o'clock, they headed to the Great Hall without dropping off their bags at Gryffindor Tower. However, before they could make it through the golden doors, an angry voice was calling his name.

"What now?" he said wearily.

Angelina Johnson came marching up to him, poking him hard in the chest with her finger as she said, "I'll tell you what now. How come you've landed yourself in detention for five o'clock on Friday?"

"What?" he said. "Why... oh yeah, tryouts!"

"Now he remembers!" exclaimed Angelina. "Didn't I tell you I wanted to do a tryout with the whole team, and find people who fitted in with everyone? Didn't I tell you I'd booked the Quidditch pitch specially? And now you've decided you're not going to be there!"

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