twenty-seven. family reunion

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~family reunion~

-CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN-~family reunion~

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THEY WERE CORNERED. From each direction, cloaked figures emerged to block any direction they could hope to escape from. A human blockade to keep them in; trapped like mice.

A rippling fear scorched Viola's nerves until she was sure she was aflame with it, engulfing her entire body. They should have expected something like this, should have anticipated the attack at any moment. Who were they to be so naive, thinking they could pull this off? And now their negligence was costing them.

"To me, Potter," repeated Lucius Malfoy. He held his hand out, eyes fixed hungrily on the glass sphere in Harry's hand.

Any hope to get out of here was flushed right out of Viola's heart as she scanned the looming figures. They were easily outnumbered two to one, probably even more. No cracks to slip through and now way to overpower.

"To me," said Malfoy yet again. 

"Where's Sirius?" asked Harry, keeping his voice surprisingly even. 

The Death Eaters laughed, which only unnerved her more. This was like a game to them; they had the upper hand and they knew it. Just like back in that graveyard, they were here for one reason.

A woman's voice, from behind one of the eerily glinting masks, said, "The Dark Lord always knows!" 

"Always," echoed Malfoy. "Now, give me the prophecy, Potter." 

Prophecy? Was that what the glass balls were? Why did the Death Eaters care so much about it? Had they really come to all this trouble for a little sphere?

"I want to know where Sirius is!" said Harry. 

"I want to know where Sirius is!" mimicked the woman. She stepped forward, away from the group, in a slow strut.

"You've got him," said Harry. "He's here. I know he is." 

"The little baby woke up fwightened and fort what it dweamed was twoo," the woman mocked.

Ron shifted his spot, a glint in his eye making him look ready to attack. Viola remained still, her hand growing sweaty around her wand, willing Ron to stay put. There was only so much they could do here, and striking without any idea of where to go or what to do was as stupid as stepping forward and asking to be killed.

"Don't do anything," Harry muttered to them. "Not yet —" 

The woman shrieked in laughter, the shrill sound raising goosebumps on Viola's arms. "You hear him? You hear him? Giving instructions to the other children as though he thinks of fighting us!" 

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