eleven. the super secret room

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~the super secret room~

WHEN THE WEEKEND passed, Monday did not bring with it much good news

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WHEN THE WEEKEND passed, Monday did not bring with it much good news. From the new sign on the common room notice board announcing that 'All Student Organisations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs are henceforth disbanded,' and that anyone wishing to reform had to go directly to Umbridge, to Hedwig making a surprise appearance during History of Magic (Harry had to sneak her out, and Viola was later told that messages were now being intercepted), the day was not running smoothly.

On the bright side, Snape was being assessed during their Potions lesson, which made for an interesting watch. Viola wasn't even all that sure who she was rooting for between Snape and Umbridge, but either way, seeing them throw subtle insults at each other made for a semi-amusing hour and a half.

The best part of the day, though, was the meeting with Sirius that night. He made an appearance using Floo Powder again— his head coming out through the common room fireplace.

It was well past midnight when the room was finally deserted, and the last of the students had turned in for the night. Sirius was quick to arrive after that, announced by Ron's bleary exclamation of his name as he sat up in his armchair.

Viola scrambled over to the fire to kneel down by the fireplace with the other three.

"Hi," said Sirius; his face, while slightly warped from the wavering fire, was displaying a wide grin.

"Hi," they said.

"How're things?"

"Not that good," said Harry. "The Ministry's forced through another decree, which means we're not allowed to have Quidditch teams—"

"— or secret Defence Against the Dark Arts groups?" supplied Sirius.

"How do you know about that?" Viola demanded immediately. Had someone been spying on them? Or perhaps the news had already been spread everywhere—

"You want to choose your meeting places more carefully," said Sirius, his grin growing broader still. "The Hog's Head, I ask you..."

"Well, it was better than the Three Broomsticks!" said Hermione defensively. "That's always packed with people—"

"— which means you'd have been harder to overhear. You've got a lot to learn, Hermione."

"Who overheard us?" asked Harry.

Sirius revealed that it was Mundungus, who had been the witch hiding under the veil. Apparently Harry was still being followed— which he, shockingly, was not happy about— and the Order was now updated on their plans for the defence group. Sirius said that Mrs. Weasley was not on board and would like Ron to know that—

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