five. false accusations

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~false accusations~

VIOLA BLURTED OUT the question before she could even think about it: "Can I come with you guys?"

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VIOLA BLURTED OUT the question before she could even think about it: "Can I come with you guys?"

They all turned to glance at her, Ron the first one to form some sort of answer, "Well, actually-"

"Please," she interrupted him. "I-I'm here with my father and when I woke up he was gone from the tent-" She noticed their expressions and hastily added, "-Look, I know that seems really suspicious, but I just... I have no idea what's going on here either and being stuck in a dark forest alone when there are creeps out there terrorising the campsite doesn't sound very appealing."

A pause lingered in the air for a second before Harry said, "Yeah, you can come with us."

Ron looked as though he was about to protest, shooting an indignant look at him before Hermione discreetly stepped on his toe and he shut his mouth, though keeping an unhappy look on his face. As they turned around and Viola caught up to them, she noticed Harry whisper something to Ron, who shot an irritated look at her.

They continued into the forest, Viola straying a little bit behind the trio, not wanting to seem too clingy, but grateful nonetheless that they had allowed her to come with them. They passed by a group of goblins, all of them surrounding a large sack of gold, and a cluster of young wizards. They were gathered around some veela, shouting out their achievements that seemed veey far-fetched-"I'm about to become the youngest ever Minister of Magic, I am!" bragged one of them.

Viola laughed just as Ron began to shout, "Did I tell you I've invented a broomstick that'll reach Jupiter?"

The veela barely paid him any attention, but a few of the wizards shot him some glares. Hermione sighed impatiently and grabbed Harry and Ron's arms, pulling them away. They only stopped again when they reached a more secluded part of the forest.

"I reckon we can just wait here, you know," said Harry. "We'll hear anyone coming a mile off."

Viola was just about to open her mouth to ask them if they had any more of an idea as to what was going on when a man emerged from one of the trees. She jolted and raised her wand, but when the light reached the stranger, she noticed that it was just Ludo Bagman.

"Who's that?" he asked, sounding strained, squinting to see them. "What are you doing in here, all alone?"

Harry, Ron and Hermione shared confused glances as Viola continued to stare at Bagman: he looked very pale and scared.

"Well-there's sort of a riot going on," said Ron.


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