thirteen. tea party with you-know-who

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~tea party with you-know-who~

FOLLOWING A NIGHT of tossing and turning and tiny intervals of sleep, Viola felt half dead when she got dressed the next day

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FOLLOWING A NIGHT of tossing and turning and tiny intervals of sleep, Viola felt half dead when she got dressed the next day. With her newfound... revelation bouncing around in her mind, it was immensely difficult to concentrate. She was beginning to get a headache with how much she was thinking about it, trying to dispute it or argue with herself. Because it not being true would sure be a lot easier for her.

But it was true, no matter how much she didn't want it to be. Yet what was there to do about it? Harry clearly had something going on with Cho, and Viola wasn't about to go and ruin that. It would be better for her to just swallow her feelings and keep moving forward as normal. That way there would be no drama, no awkwardness, and no consequences.

But the thought of having to face Harry after it all was weighing her down. The melee of butterflies in her stomach was rivalling the ones she felt on the morning of the first task. And she knew it was ridiculous, that she shouldn't be this nervous, but could not convince herself to calm down no matter how hard she tried.

When Viola emerged from the bathroom, finally dressed, Hermione was already ready. She was sat on her bed, a Transfiguration book open on her lap despite the fact it was technically the last day of term and they were all departing for their Christmas holidays.

"Hermione, you'd be ready if you had to take your N.E.W.Ts now, stop worrying about the O.W.Ls. It's Christmas!"

Hermione didn't look up from the book, only flicked a page. "There's nothing wrong with doing a little extra revision."

Viola rolled her eyes in amusement and picked up the pillow on her bed to throw at Hermione. She looked outraged as she turned around to glare at Viola, who just laughed it off and said, "Come on, we should get something to eat before we get on the train."

"I've been waiting for you this whole time!" Hermione protested, though she closed her book and stood up. "You take a rather long time to get ready."

"Well sorry that I'm not a morning person," she muttered. "But I don't see why you're complaining when you get your extra revision time. Oh, hey— I've been meaning to ask, what are you going to be doing over the break anyway?"

As they walked to the door to head downstairs, Hermione said, "I'm going skiing with my parents."

"Well, yeah, but I meant... what's that?"


So Hermione explained it was a type of Muggle sport involving strapping strips of wood to your feet and sliding down a snowy hill. Viola couldn't say she really understood it, and was appalled at how dangerous it appeared, but if Hermione thought it safe, then it couldn't be that bad.

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