ten. pep talks

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~pep talks~

THE NEXT DAY WAS uneventful— excluding the arrival of a rather ill-mannered letter from Percy, who made it very clear that he was not a fan of Harry or Viola, and that Ron would be better off staying away from both of them

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THE NEXT DAY WAS uneventful— excluding the arrival of a rather ill-mannered letter from Percy, who made it very clear that he was not a fan of Harry or Viola, and that Ron would be better off staying away from both of them. (Ron merely ripped it up and threw it into the fire; Viola wasn't all that bothered since it wasn't like she had really known Percy anyway). Sirius also made a semi appearance by Floo Powder— his head appeared in the fire, and the four enjoyed a nice complain about Umbridge. Though, perhaps most annoyingly, Viola did not get a message back from Edwin.

She was almost having a good day, the one after that. After a night mostly devoid of nightmares about the graveyard, Viola woke up feeling a lot more refreshed than usual. Caught up on her homework, and so finally not entirely dreading the day ahead, she could enjoy her toast in peace— until the Daily Prophet article.

Mid-chew, Viola almost choked when Hermione let out a loud gasp and slammed her copy of the newspaper onto the table, nearly knocking over a pitcher of orange juice before Ron managed to steady it.

Viola looked over curiously, and frowned when she saw it: a huge photo of Umbridge dawned the front page, that familiar condescending smile warping her face as she blinked slowly at them from underneath the headline:


"'High Inquisitor'?" scoffed Harry, letting his fork clatter to the plate in front of him. "What does that mean?"

Hermione read out the following article, which explained Umbridge had been given a new level of control at Hogwarts, thanks to her 'immediate success'— "Her only success has been becoming the most hated teacher!"— and how she now had a right to inspect the teachers, and will 'get to grips with what some are calling the "falling standards at Hogwarts.'

"So now we know how we ended up with Umbridge!" Hermione was talking very fast, and it took Viola a second to realise she had finished reading the article. "Fudge passed this 'Educational Decree' and forced her on us! And now he's given her the power to inspect other teachers! I can't believe this. It's outrageous..."

"I know it is," said Harry. "What?" he added to Ron— who was smiling.

"Oh, I can't wait to see McGonagall inspected," he said happily. "Umbridge won't know what's hit her."

"That'll be something," said Viola, "but what about some of the other teachers? Hagrid, when he's back— you saw what they said in the article, how appointing him was a controversial decision. I can't see Umbridge being a fan of him."

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