ten. plan b is murder

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~plan b is murder~

VIOLA WAS MOMENTARILY able to convince herself that the previous night's events had just been part of a dream

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VIOLA WAS MOMENTARILY able to convince herself that the previous night's events had just been part of a dream. She wasn't actually being forced to compete in the Triwizard Tournament and the whole school didn't think that she and Harry were liars. That was surely preposterous.

But her reverie was broken when she caught Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil whispering in the corner of the dorm, shooting her furtive glances.

Her shock had mostly disappeared, now replaced by anger. This wasn't her fault, she didn't want to compete, but because of the whole binding magical contract, she was being forced to. Viola got changed as quickly as she could and stormed through the common room, all the way down to the Great Hall.

Big mistake.

More than half of the school was there, eating their breakfast and chatting animatedly, enjoying their time before classes were set to begin for the day.  Some were yawning, scooping cereal into their mouths and looking as though they were about to drift off to slee at any moment. But as soon as she walked in, she could almost feel the conversations shift.

She was getting several, what people seemed to think were subtle glares, but were, in reality, very obvious. She set her eyes on a plate of food in the centre of the Gryffindor table and hurried over to it, picking up some toast and getting ready to head to the Owlery to send a letter to her parents.

However, on the way back out of the Hall, she passed Dean and Seamus, and gave them a quick nod in greeting without stopping. But then Seamus said something and she halted in her tracks.

"So, how'd you do it, then?"

It took Viola a second to think about what he was referring to— because, even though she had avoided thinking ahead to this moment, a small part of her was sure that Dean and Seamus would believe her. But apparently not.

"How'd I do what?" she asked blankly, turning to face him. Playing it dumb.

"You know what."

"Do I?"

Seamus scoffed. "How'd you get your name in the Goblet of Fire?"

A few people had stopped their conversations with fellow peers to listen in; some of those who had been half-asleep were perked up, eyes fully open. Viola clenched her jaw in annoyance. "I didn't put my name in the cup," she said.

"Yeah, right," said Seamus. "I thought we were supposed to figure out a way to enter together?"

"By all means, come up with some sort of solution to take my place. I don't want to compete."

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