twenty-three. star player

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~star player~

"COULD YOU TALK to Hermione and get her to stop asking me about Occlumency?"

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"COULD YOU TALK to Hermione and get her to stop asking me about Occlumency?"

Harry's words were punctured by the screech of an owl as Viola left the Owlery with him. She had gone to find Atlas before breakfast, just to send the letter to Edwin. It was eating away at her and the only way to get over it for the time being was to just send it. That way, it was quite literally out of her hands.

"What am I going to be able to say that you can't?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "but you and her always argue the least out of all of us."

She sighed, wondering if that was even true. "Fine. But don't expect much success. You know how relentless Hermione gets with stuff like this."

"Trust me. I know."

Viola laughed a little at the honesty in his voice. She had been told by the trio about nearly every single thing that had happened to them in their first three years at Hogwarts, so she understood most of the small references like this. But it did often make her wonder what would have happened if they became friends sooner.

"So were you finally able to get some sleep last night, now that you've come up with a response?" he asked.

"Better than usual. But I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get a proper good night's sleep here."

"Yeah, I could really use some of that dreamless sleep Potion Madam Pomfrey gave us last year."

Viola hummed in agreement. Despite the events that had occurred just before that, it was one of the best rests she had ever had. Just as she went to reply, her eyes caught onto a small Ravenclaw boy entering the courtyard. It was Connor, she realised when they got a little closer, and she remembered that she had forgotten to thank him for saving her, Hermione and Ron in the library that day Umbridge found the D.A. Their first encounter may have been a little awkward — she could not easily forget the comment he made about her and Harry going out — but she really owed him for the loyalty.

Viola stopped in her tracks as the memory of their first interaction surfaced. Since that night on the Astronomy Tower, something had been nagging at her. She had long since learned that being in the spotlight was not for her. And people certainly hadn't forgotten about her so easily, but the attention had died down a little, and she wasn't eager for it to flare up again.



She hesitated, sparing a glance at the sky. It wasn't like this was anything bad, but the words still felt like glue in her mouth. 

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