fourteen. christmas cracker champion

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~christmas cracker champion~

-CHAPTER FOURTEEN-~christmas cracker champion~

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VIOLA REGRETTED HER vow almost immediately.

And broke it almost immediately when a sixth year Ravenclaw asked her a few days later. She had almost said yes, a prospect that frightened her whenever she thought back on it because, wow, that would have made for a very uncomfortable evening.

But everyone seemed to have taken the hint and no one else was in a rush to ask her, probably for fear they would get rejected, just like the other poor souls who had tried. So Viola was now desperate.

Maybe she should just ask someone? She could probably find someone she knew something about— that wouldn't be so bad, right?

Her mind's eye conjured up an image of a Great Hall, vastly decorated with Christmas ornaments— even more so than usual— and a faceless stranger, leading her in with the other champions. But as the dancing started, the undiscernable face began to slowly morph into someone that she knew, someone she realised she wouldn't mind going to the ball with, would maybe even enjoy going to the ball with...

"Hey, Viola! Wait up!"

"Oh, hi, Dean! Listen, I kinda have to go—"

"No, wait, just a second. I, uh, I wanted to ask you something."

Viola stopped walking when she heard a slight nervous pitch in Dean's voice. Rightly so, when she turned to face him, he was fidgeting with his hands.

"What's up?" she asked.

"Um, have you got a date for the ball yet?" he asked hesitantly.

"Nope," she said sadly. "I've been kinda stupid, though. A few people have asked me and I sorta might've accidentally turned them all down?"

Dean let out a low whistle. "That's reassuring," he muttered. "Um, well I just wondered if you maybe wanted to go to the ball? With me, I mean..."

"Oh." Viola was completely taken aback; that was not what she was expecting him to say. Unfortunately, Dean seemed to take her silence the wrong way.

"You don't have to!" he said quickly. "I just thought— you know, going as friends might've been, er, fun..."

"No!" she said. "I mean, yes— I— no—yes, I would like to go with you." She internally cringed at her discomfiture. Why couldn't she just have said yes at first, like a normal human being?

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