fifteen. her monster

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~her monster~

ARRIVING BACK AT Hogwarts was both a fresh of breath air and a slap in the face

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ARRIVING BACK AT Hogwarts was both a fresh of breath air and a slap in the face. While the castle, at least, was away from the gloomy Grimmauld Place and the kitchen where Viola had found out about William, returning back was not as much of a delight as usual.

There was no doubt Umbridge had spent her entire break plotting up ways to spread her control over the school even more. She was bound to have concocted new schemes to make their lives extra miserable and Viola wouldn't be susprised if she practised her appalling hem hem to further irritate the students. The O.W.L.s were fast approaching, too, only months away. The professors were bound to start setting them as much work as possible when classes resumed the following day.

And Viola's suspicions were right— even in her first class of the morning, History of Magic, Binns was piling on the homework as soon as they sat down. At least it was almost a distraction from all the thoughts about her family. While the previous night had been spent with her mind racing through everything, brain refusing to shut up, just turn off and let her go to sleep, now only half of it could be occupied with William— her brother— thanks to the rapidly increasing workload and stress over the O.W.L.s.

Most members of the D.A. approached Harry and asked about upcoming meetings, too, and Viola wasn't sure whether that made things worse or not for her. On one hand, it gave her something to look forward to, but on the other she couldn't even help out at the meetings anymore, now that they would be moving onto more advanced stuff. Still, the lessons had been fun last term and she was hoping that they would once again be an evening where she could let all the problems that existed outside the Room of Requirement vanish, and just concentrate on improving magic while having fun with her friends.

Or... mostly friends, she corrected herself while watching Smith approach them in the entrance hall after lunch.

"I'll let you know when the next one is," said Harry tiredly, "but I can't do it tonight, I've got to go to— er— Remedial Potions..." It was his cover-up, of course, for what was really his Occlumency lessons with Snape.

"You take Remedial Potions?" Smith snorted. "Good Lord, you must be terrible, Snape doesn't usually give extra lessons, does he?"

"Funny of you to talk," said Viola, increasingly annoyed at Smith's patronising expression, "when everyone remembers how you blew up your own cauldron and lost that patch of hair that had to be grown back by Madam Pomfrey in second year."

Ron laughed loudly, but Smith didn't waste any time in glaring at him. He rounded on Viola and narrowed his eyes, sneering in her face. "You better watch it, Jugson, or I'll—"

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