39. Fear

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With chaos in his head and heaviness in his heart Jungkook finally reaches his and Taehyung's apartment. Without giving it another thought he uses his spare key and unlocks the door, he finds Taehyung in the bedroom, lying on the bed under the blankets, his back turned to Jungkook. His figure is hunched and slightly shaking as if he is crying.  The sight itself breaks Jungkook's heart, he has made Taehyung - the only person that matters to him most in this world, cry again. 

Jungkook takes a deep breath, "Hyung," he calls softly to make his presence known. Taehyung's body goes stiff before he slowly turns and sits up, the blanket still wrapped over his frame. 

There is a lot of distance between him and Taehyung, one that makes Jungkook painfully realize that maybe they're not as close to each other as he thought they were, shaking his head he decides to get straight to the point, "I know what you think of me but It's not true, I didn't do anything wrong-"

"I literally saw you leaving with a girl-" Taehyung tries to reason but Jungkook cuts him. 


"Look I know you were pissed about the whole Minho thing but that doesn't mean that you'd--" Taehyung's next words get choked up in his throat, it hurts way too much to speak them.

Jungkook completes the sentence for him, "that I'd cheat on you."

Taehyung looks away, trying hard to not cry. When he stays quiet for a painfully long time Jungkook decides to speak again, "I don't care about Minho when you told me that we'd talk about him later - I trusted you and let it go! I trusted you Taehyung, something that you should have done too!"

"And I know what you saw might not paint the best picture to me but you could've called me, stayed there, hell anything would have been better than you running away from me!"

Taehyung's patience runs out with all the yelling and without any thought he charges over to Jungkook, grabbing his shirt by the collar. He is losing his mind over all this, "What were you doing with her then!?

Jungkook walks over to the counter to order drinks for himself and Taehyung, the waiter takes his order and tells him to wait till he fetches their drinks. Jungkook stays by the counter, softly humming to the song. Suddenly a girl approaches him and holds his hand, she is shorter than him but the grip on his hand is tight. Before Jungkook can even process what is happening, she starts talking in a hushed voice, "Look I'm sorry but I really really need your help, my ex is here and he is after me. I just need to get out of this bar and get a cab.  Can you help me please?"

It's all so hurried that Jungkook doesn't even think twice before he nods and grabs her hand to walk towards the exit, when they're away from the bar he looks at her for any signal, she comes close to him and whispers, "He is right by the counter, Just pretend to be my boyfriend or something, I told him I have a boyfriend so he'd leave me alone," she says. And Jungkook is so awkward with girls, he doesn't even know what to do so he goes for the safest option and gets a little bit close to her, "ok I got this just follow me." He smiles at her and thinks about how he always smiles at Taehyung, it must be a boyfriend thing. He slings his hand around her waist and as quickly as possible he gets them out of the club.

Once out of the club he calls a cab for her from his phone and informs the security guard about the girl's situation. The cab arrives in no time, "Thank you, thank you so much. You're a nice man, your girlfriend must be so lucky," she says.

Jungkook chuckles at the thought of Taehyung, "I have a boyfriend actually."

"Well he is very lucky then, thank you so much again." and with that, she gets into the cab and leaves.

Taehyung's eyes are wide as saucers when he hears this, "oh," he says in realization.

Jungkook scoffs at him, "oh?!"

Taehyung is not holding his collar anymore,  rather standing at a safe distance. Without sparing him another glance, Jungkook starts to walk outside of the bedroom. He barely reaches the hallway before Taehyung is behind him to grab his hand, "wait! Where are you going?"

"I don't know, somewhere, anywhere!" Jungkook spits back but Taehyung doesn't let go of his hand, he holds it more tight.

"No no! Don't leave we can fix this-" Taehyung says desperately but Jungkook is having none of it. He snatches his arm back to let it off from Taehyung's grip but while doing so his hand swings back and knocks the vase that is sitting on the bookshelf behind him.

It's not a normal vase, It's the vase that Taehyung got him, his pretty pastel green vase, that holds a sentimental value, that reminds him of Taehyung, their Ikea date, and all the sweet time he had with Taehyung.  

And the vase falls on the floor and breaks into pieces.


There's a part 2 of this neverending drama i-

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