18. vacation

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Jungkook adjusts the leather jacket over his shoulder as he and Jin wait for Jimin to open the door. Jungkook neglects the ever present pool of anxiety in the back of his head and smiles when the door opens. It's Hoseok, smiling brightly at them, dressed in a baggy sweater and sweats. He moves aside to make way for both of them to enter, "Hi Jin hyung! Hi Jungkookie!" He says, in a cheery voice, slinging his arm around Jungkook as they walk inside the house.

Yeontan comes rushing towards Jungkook, barking at Jin and woofing at him, "I see you still remember me," Jungkook says crouching down to pick him up, Yeontan immediately lurches forward to lick him.

They all do their greetings, Taehyung waves at him saying a small 'hi' that Jungkook gladly returns.

"So what's everyone's plans for Christmas and New Years?" Jin asks. They all are sitting on the couch, laughing and chatting, Yeontan is perched on Jungkook's lap and Taehyung is sitting diagonal to him.

"I'm going to Busan with Jimin, then we'll come back and celebrate Tae's birthday and leave for Japan for New years," Hoseok says, from where he sits beside Jimin, his hand on Jimin's waist whose eyes light up at the mention of Japan.

"Jimin hyung is finally going to Japan, look how happy he is," Jimin blushes at Jungkook's words.

"What about you and Yoongi?"

"Yoongi is staying in Seoul, he has work so I'm staying with him," Jin hums.

"That's too bad, I thought, I'd go to Daegu with Yoongi hyung. Now I have to go alone." Taehyung half says half whines, furrowing his eyebrows. Cute, Jungkook thinks.

"I'll be back by my birthday though and spend New Years here." Taehyung's birthday is on twenty nine December, he can celebrate it with his friends.

"What about you Jungkook?"

"I'm going to Busan, haven't been there in a long time. My niece was born on the same day as Tae and it's her first birthday so I'll stay untill then for celebration," Jungkook says, taking a glance at Taehyung to gauge his expression, he fails because Taehyung is looking away from him, "haven't decided when I'll be back yet, the return tickets are to be booked."

"What about Namjoon hyung?" Jimin asks.

"He's staying in Seoul for Christmas but he's leaving for the states around the twenty-eighth. He has some function to attend." Jungkook had talked to Namjoon earlier, who had offered him to come along. Jungkook didn't want to stay away from home for another festival so he said no.

"That's too bad, all of us are not going to be together for Christmas, Tae's Birthday and New years. I really wanted to celebrate with y'all." Jimin tsks, rest of them hum knowingly. After Jin's birthday they started hanging out often, sometimes few of them and sometimes all of them, catching up on all the time they missed.

Taehyung's eyes light up and he slightly bounces in his seat, "We could spend the weekend before Christmas together, how about we go to some resort? Oh! We could go to that beach house that we wanted to go to back in college but couldn't because we didn't have enough money. I'm sure we can all afford it now." Taehyung says in one breath and then calms down, looking expectantly at everyone.

"I guess, we can. I mean I don't see a problem," Jin says and Hoseok nods in response.

"How about we talk on gc later at night and fix everything?" Taehyung suggests and everybody else nods, cheering in consent.

When they all disperse around the apartment, Taehyung comes and sits beside Jungkook and scratches Yeontan's ear who is still playing in Jungkook's lap, "I taught him a few tricks, wanna see?"

Jungkook smiles at him, nose scrunching, all bunny-like which Taehyung returns with his one boxy one, "Yes, sure." They play with the puppy, giggling softly and talking to themselves. And Jungkook after a very long time feels like the heavy burden is lifting off his heart.


loml hyung
Guys listen

Cat hyung
Ugh it's ass'o clock

Sunshine hyung
Its lit 8pm

Cat hyung
And ur point?

Small hyung
Yas every clock is take it up the ass clock

Smart hyung
what's happening?

Cat hyung
that's not- nvm

Loml hyung
Guys listen

jimin a bottom wbk

Small hyung
Idk ask hobi?😏


Sunshine hyung

Loml hyung
Guys listen to me

Handsome hyung
hello fellas
what's goin on?

We were talking abt who's bottom you or yoongi hyung

Cat hyung
Jin would never tell

Handsome hyung
Ofc yoongs

Loml hyung
Guys listen to me pls

Lmao jin hyung is sleeping on couch today

Sunshine hyung
lmao it's ass whooped o' clock

Loml hyung

Yes listen to him

Loml hyung
yes ty and now no one talk
we are spending this weekend together
At a beach house
A small vacy before we all go home to celebrate Christmas

yes I'm in

Small hyung
me and hobi are in too

Smart hyung
Yes nice idea I'm in

Handsome hyung
me and yoongs too

Loml hyung
Good ok I'll do the bookings

Let's get it

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