34. My Jungkook

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Taehyung is mad, not like mad mad but the kind where he is ignoring Jungkook and sulking, sitting into the pillow fort that Jungkook made for him yesterday.

He whines again when Jungkook tries to get into the blankets that he has buried himself into, "You're being the best boyfriend ever, I hate you," he yells with a pouty face and then like as if he is a snake, he slides back into his makeshift pillow cave. Jungkook sighs and tries again. 

It happened like this, Jimin had very jokingly said that Hoseok is the best boyfriend in the world and to that, just because Jungkook wanted to bluff he said that he can be a best boyfriend too. Taehyung had smirked at him and said 'we'll see'. Jungkook being Jungkook took this little competition seriously and then decided to make Taehyung's upcoming week the best, to the point where he was tempted to call Jimin and admit that indeed, Jungkook is the best boyfriend.

It was all fun and Taehyung was enjoying it very much, in his mind Jungkook already is the best boyfriend if he overlooks some mishaps that happened in the past but nonetheless Jungkook treats him nicely, lovingly. He sees a mature man infront of him, not the young boy who made mistakes that he will regret for his life. 

Jungkook has changed now, it has almost been three months since they decided to give one more chance to themselves. And Taehyung can feel it in his bones, sometimes he just wants to grab Jungkook, pepper him with kisses and say the L word to him but they haven't talked about it or said it to each other since vacation at the beach house. 

But Taehyung is not talking to Jungkook right now because he is supposed to be mad at him for being the 'best boyfriend' as comical as it sounds to his own ears but he is loving all the attention and how worked up Jungkook is getting.

It's just that Jungkook was perfect last week he prepared cute dates for Taehyung, picked him from work with flowers, sneaked notes into his office bag, made pillow forts for him and all the small things he did that made Taehyung fall in love with him even more.

Taehyung just wanted to return the gesture so he decided to cook narujjinji (cooking and Taehyung don't go well together so bad idea) for Jungkook, it was all going fine until for some reason the shape was disoriented, it tasted weird and then will all this Taehyung managed to burn it too, so just like that his plan to cook for Jungkook went into the dustbin with his narujjinji.

That's why Taehyung is mad, well, he is more mad at himself than Jungkook but Jungkook may or  may not have also made fun of his cooking so now he is mad at Jungkook too, and hence why he is hiding under the blankets, whining. 

"Hyung, c'mon come out! I won't make fun of your cooking anymore, I'll even eat narujjinji." Somewhere in the pile of blankets, Jungkook gets a hold of Taehyung's ankle and he pulls at it to bring him closer and wrestle into his space. Taehyung shrieks when he gets pulled, the blankets bunching over his face. Damn, Jungkook and his strength.

Jungkook is fast and he quickly removes all the blankets from above Taehyung and before he can think what's happening, Taehyung is being pinned against the bed, both of his hands under Jungkook's, restricting him to move any further.

Taehyung still wiggles to get out of Jungkook's grip, too bad it doesn't work, "Will you stop! I said, I'm sorry. Don't be mad at me." Jungkook musters the biggest puppy eyes and Taehyung knows he is sold.

"Okay, fine." Taehyung gives in. Jungkook smiles and kisses him on the nose then forehead then eyes and then there's literally an assault of kisses followed by giggles and what Taehyung would call a happy day.

It's later in the night when they are sitting on the couch, a movie playing in the background that none of them is paying attention to, Jungkook decides that they should talk. It's been on his mind lately,  where he and Taehyung stand? What happens from here? What is the future? What are they right now?

It's a lot of strings that have just become a halo in his head, what he and Taehyung have right now is good, it's perfect but Jungkook loves him, and he wants to be able to hold Taehyung and tell him so everyday.  

Somewhere along the lines of finding each other again, Jungkook fell in love with Taehyung one more time and this time harder than before, more than yesterday, more than a day before that, more than he was four years ago.

It doesn't sting like it did before, this time it feels like home, he feels like he is found

He wants to tell it to Taehyung,  wants to know if Taehyung feels the same for him too, wants to know if he is forgiven. It's a lot of things and nothing at the same time.

He takes a deep breath, his hands slowly massaging Taehyung's scalp from where he is nestled into Jungkook's arms. With a shuddering voice and a will to be strong, Jungkook decides that it's finally time to talk.

"Hey hyung, can I tell you something?"

Taehyung immediately perks up, tilting his head towards Jungkook, his eyes dilate knowingly as if he knows what's coming, "Don't Say it"

Jungkook blinks, confused, "Why?"

"I want to tell you something before." Taehyung shifts so he is sitting face to face with Jungkook, he reaches out to hold Jungkook's hand, "I know, we've been through a lot but I've forgiven you Jungkook, a long time ago. We both have changed, you've become a better person, you're my Jungkook."

Jungkook can feel Taehyung's hand tremble a little, his own eyes stinging. Nothing in the world would have prepared him for this, for Taehyung holding his hand and calling him 'his'.

"Let's forget what happened years ago, let's focus on what we have right now."

Jungkook nods, internally prays to not start crying andlooks into Taehyung's eyes, "I love you hyung, always have, please love me back."

He shuts his eyes tight, leaving his life into Taehyung's hand, his body hurting from the silence around them. He feels a warm pair of lips on his eyes, kissing the wet eyelids and then he dares to open them. Taehyung is staring at him, a faint smile tugging on his lips that makes Jungkook's insides warm.

"I love you too."



I've been gone mia for some days (an explanation to it is on my mb) but I'm back now hopefully.

I think this book will be 40- ish chapters so we're coming to end and knowing me there might be little angst too before we give rest to this book-💀💀

Once again thankyou for votes,  follow and comments, you all are very precious to me!!❤

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