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Renjun was hibernating, he was locked in his room only Jaemin was allowed to enter. He ate, whined and slept during dormancy. Renjun kept Jaemin on his feet all the time. He always demanded one thing or another.
Online shopping? There was at least one parcel that was being delivered everyday. If he had to buy a small thing such as toothbrush, online shopping was the solution. Jaemin was tired of receiving them everyday but he didn't stop Renjun.

Jaemin knew that he'd go into rut soon so he decided to work from home until it was over. Renjun sensed his alpha's scent getting heavy in the air.

" Alpha..." the omega whined, he got up from his bed blanket still wrapped around his body. He walked closer to Jaemin and made himself comfortable in the elder's lap.

" Your scent is unbearable, now. It might induce heat." The omega whimpered. He wrapped his arms around his alpha and inhaled his scent as he rested his head on alpha's shoulder, pecked his neck gently. He grinded his bottom roughly.

" I need to do my work. Don't start something you can't finish." Jaemin grunted.

"Alpha, I swear. Give me a chance, I'll be a good boy for you." Omega promised.

Jaemin knew that his rut would definitely induce heat and his fear was about to become a reality. There was also ninety-nine percent chance of Renjun getting pregnant if he knotted his omega. He didn't want that, yet.
He gritted his teeth in a warning,
"Get up immediately and go back to your room! I will not entertain you until I complete my work. Back to your room, now!"

He pried omega's hands off of him and continued to work. Renjun huffed and went to the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of water and took it back to their room. He video called Hyuck.

" what do you want? I was kinda busy."  Hyuck grunted as soon as he picked the call.
" Why are you so bitchy right now? You didn't get your daily dose of Mark's dick?" He asked.
" What the fuck are you saying?" Hyuck growled.
"Please, don't act like what I said wasn't true! Isn't that all you do during your hibernation period."
" Did Jaemin refuse to" Hyuck moved his closed fist up and down ✊

Renjun sighed. "Yes!"

" Sad life."
There was a long pause before Hyuck continued, " We talked yesterday, he said, he might move back to Seoul in March. His brother's school will end in feb."
"Thank goodness. I can't wait to see him again." Donghyuck saw the way Renjun's eyes brightened.

" It will be hard though."
" but why? He is already familiar with the place." Renjun asked curiously
" do you think it is easy to move places? Maybe, it is for you. He will have to leave his job, search for new job and accommodation, spend some money on transportation. It's tough! And there is no guarantee that he'll achieve all of these. My baby will be exhausted."

" I can get him a job in the office!" Renjun gasped.

Donghyuck's eyes narrowed as he pressed his lips together, " He is a middle school dropout. What job would you give to a school dropout in a professional sector?"

Renjun rubbed a hand on his face. "I just..." he sighed and shook his head.

"Good night. I'll just go back to annoy Jaemin."
" Yea, your skin is flushed anyway. Will you go into heat soon?"
" Hmm... during Jae's rut."
"Fine, eat lots of food and drink a ton of water. I don't want you to die because of sarvation or dehydration." Hyuck said nonchalantly.
" Take care."
Renjun hung up the phone and laid back on the bed. He dialed Jaemin's phone which was not answered.

" Fuck you, Jaemin! You're the worst bitch I've come across. I don't even know what I was thinking when I introduced you to my parents you dickhead!" Renjun shouted, he immediately left the room and went back to the kitchen.

He gathered as many snacks as he could so, that he could munch on them later. He went back and forth from the kitchen to the room. While closing his room's door he screamed again, "Listen to me you thick headed alpha. I will not entertain your dick during your rut, you scumbag! Fuck yourself!" He screamed and locked the door.

"What the fuck is his issue? One minute, he is sweet and another, he is a bitch." Renjun exhaled heavily.
"He is definitely trying to become like Johnny hyung."

He opened a packet of chips and opened Netflix, he saw Hozuki's Coolheadedness as he snacked on chips.

Jaemin sighed, Renjun was a lot to handle. Jaemin knew he had to find Jeno in order to satiate Renjun.
His omega was desperate but Jaemin knew his limits. He couldn't go to Jeno and ask him to be his mate.

Alpha groaned when he felt heat pooling inside him. He felt hot but resisted the urge to go to his omega. Renjun's scent was still lingering in the room. So, Jaemin went to his study away from the omega.

Jaemin was confused, Mark didn't like the Jeno, according to him, Jeno was only friendly to Haechan due to his money. Haechan and Mark fought a lot on this topic. Jeno was the only person Haechan had who was not Mark's family or friend. Jeno was his family.

He was there for Haechan when the latter did not have anything. He put a roof over Haechan's head. How could Haechan abandon him now, that he had everything just because Mark hated him.

Mark also hated the fact that, in a day, Haechan mentioned Jeno several times.

Jaemin was torn, but he did not want to assume anything about Jeno, but he knew one thing, Mark was wrong.

He sighed and closed his files. Past few days have been so hectic that he completely ignored his omega.

It was time to take care of little Renjun.
Jaemin walked out of his study and headed to his room. It was locked.
He knocked at the door a few times but no answer was heard. He went back to his study and grabbed a master key.

Renjun was fast asleep. The room was really warm and Renjun was wrapped inside the blankets like a moth in its cocoon. Jaemin decided to take a quick shower then followed his mate on bed.

He wrapped his arms around his omega and kissed his cheek.
" I'm really sorry, Renjun. I ignored you all day and even used my alpha voice at you. I shouldn't have done that. I'm really stressed. I'm sorry, please forgive your alpha."

Renjun sniffled, " I hate you ! Don't talk to me."

" I'm sorry, injunnie. I promise to take care of you, I am free for a week now."
"it's Renjun!" Omega hissed, "and I don't care!"

Jaemin released his pheromones, he knew that Renjun would give in. He hated to do this but he had no choice, Renjun could be stubborn when he wanted to be.

Jaemin tightened his grip on Renjun as he snuggled into his alpha.

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