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"Jiji, now that you're free, would you accompany me to the market?" Jeno asked younger omega. Who nodded excited," Yes! I'd love to! It has been so long that we've gone somewhere together. I missed this." Jisung replied.
Jeno smiled at him, "I will try to do this as often as possible. Get ready then. We will spend whole day together."

Both boys changed their clothes and dressed up quickly. They were excited to go out. Jeno glanced at his shopping list again and grabbed his bank passbook.

" let's go, hyung." Jisung said. Jeno nodded as he slipped his shoppers bag on his shoulder.
" Baby, I was wondering if you need something important for your school. I mean I don't quite know what things are required by a high school kid. So, if there is any thing that is even slightly important, tell me. Okay?" Jeno said.

" Yes, hyung." Jisung smiled at Jeno. His eyes shined brightly as he grabbed Jeno's hand in his and gripped it tightly.
" let's go!" He said.
" first of all wear your jacket."

Jisung knew that his brother earns money wholeheartedly and a lot of hard work and effort is involved. There were so many things that were bare necessities for a high school student but, Jisung never confessed that. He was grateful for everything he had and whatever his brother got him. He made sure to express gratitude to his brother.

They walked together in the streets in the cold weather. Jisung clung to his brother. They talked about random things and cherished every minute of it.
They made their first stop at the bank so that he could transfer money to Yoongi and debit out some cash for shopping.

Jisung waited patiently for his hyung outside the building, his gaze fell on a hoarding, it was a phone advertisement. He sighed as he read the features and the price. He turned around. One day, he thought.

Jeno put the money in his wallet and walked out.
"Sorry for the long wait. Let's go." Jeno grabbed Jisung's arm and wrapped it around his.

They visited a lot of shops, Older boy often glanced at Jisung to know if the younger was eyeing something or not. He stopped at a footwear store, "come on." He whispered.

Jeno picked a shoe for Jisung and held it in front of him, "You like it?" He asked.
Jisung nodded his head, he grabbed the shoe and looked at the price, "Hyung, we should go to another shop." Jeno put the shoe back on the isle. They left the shop.
" Hyung, look! Let's go there." They entered a shop that was quite small but it was neat.
" Felix told me that they have cheap stuff but they are good quality." Jeno nodded in agreement and looked around the shop.

Once again, Jeno grabbed a shoe and checked its price, '₩15,000'. He checked the quality once he was satisfied with the price tag.
"Jiji, here, look at it. You should try them, I think these are comfortable." Jisung agreed as he examined it, " It looks really comfortable, hyung. But I think you should get them for yourself. I have shoes."
" So do I." Jeno retorted. " I don't wanna argue with you so you better try them. If not, I know your shoe size, I'll buy it anyway. The choice is yours and you should be happy rather than arguing with me, idiot. Tell me that you're grateful for these. When someone buys stuff for you, you should accept it. I know you're also worried about expenses but that is not your problem."
" okay, fine!" Jisung sighed because he knew that he could not win against Jeno. They paid for the shoes and left the shop. Older brother checked the list. Next stop was the grocery store.
" Do you want to eat anything special? Anything in your mind, I know eating congee and porridge all the time is boring and not healthy."
"Anything that is easy to cook is fine with me. I don't really have a problem with eating congee. I like it, it's simple." Jeno glanced at Jisung's face.
" Baby, I think it's my fault. I always make bland food and don't buy enough ingredients to cook a proper meal. I am sorry, I'm always busy and do not pay much attention to you, I'm extremely sorry for that. I want to see you grow and become a better person."
"Hyung, you don't have to apologise. You are doing it for us, I can understand that it is not easy. You are so hardworking Hyung, you deserve a break from this. It is not Healthy." Jeno ran his finger through Jisung's hair and patted it gently.

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