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Jeno hadn't seen Jaemin and Renjun since a month. He had taken up several part time jobs and was busy all the time.

He was purposely avoiding them.

Although, he didn't understand Chinese, he knew the lady disliked them as she threw dirty glances at them. He didn't have courage to ask what she said. Deep down, he knew the reason behind her anger.

Today, was his day off after three weeks of work and he was doing his laundry. He was hand washing his clothes to save money but after this he had to look for a new apartment. This one was expensive since he was the only one living here now.

He carried the basket of wet clothes to the roof and wrung them before putting them on the cloth hangers. He clipped them and went downstairs.

He took a quick shower and got ready to look for a new apartment. He ramed around the area to see if there were any rooms available.

Around one in the noon, he got a call from his part time asking if he could fill in for a person. He sighed but agreed nonetheless.
Leaving his apartment quest in between he headed to a stationary shop.

" I'm here." Jeno informed the owner.

" Right, thank you for coming on such a short notice, Jeno." The lady said.
" It's okay, I was free at the moment." He sighed.

" Okay, so there are new boxes that we received today, can you please arrange the contents on the shelves?"

" Yes, I can do that." Jeno went to the back of the store where all the received goods were placed.
He tore the tape off of the first box and took out the bundle of notebooks another box had rims of sheets.

Little by little he took them to the front and placed them on their respective places.

He kept coming back and forth, organising everything.

He sat down on the stool at back to catch his breath and drink some water.

Thoughts about what his future would hold scared him.

He went to owner.
" Ma'am, I have some questions... I'd appreciate, if you could answer some, no pressure though." Jeno told.

" Sure, bud. Ask 'em!"

" Uh... it may sound weird but... what happens when people are really old, that they neither have jobs nor savings, also not their own houses..." Jeno's question confused the lady.

Why was a young boy like him asking such questions?

" I'm not sure, since it rarely happens, but I think there are certain NGOs and government organisations that take in old people and look after them." Lady was unsure herself.

Jeno thanked her and went back to his position, he sipped his water and stared out the window. The street was filled with people.

He bit his lips, how long could he keep this up? He should start looking for such organisations.

" Um, excuse me?" A voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

" Yes? I'm sorry, what can I help you with?" He immediately stood up and walked up to the person.
" I'm looking for stapler pins..." the young boy spoke.
" Ah, yes. Please, follow me." Jeno took him to different part of the store.

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