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"You have completely forgotten that you also have an older brother..." Jeno pouted on the phone.

"it's not like that. I really wanted to visit you last week, Renjun hyung informed me about your situation but I got and assignment last minute and it was very important part of grades."

" It's okay, baby! I was kidding, I know school is tough." Jeno laughed it off.

"Hyung, please don't think that I purposely did that. I swear I didn't mean to do it." Jeno reassured him over and over again.

Eventually, Chenle had to take phone from him and hang it up.

Jeno laughed at his brother's silliness.

He was in his apartment, he had just gotten back from his job. He changed his clothes. He changed into a lose leggings and a full sleeve T-shirt.

Whether was changing, and it got chilly at night. Occasional rains didn't help at all.

He grabbed a paper and a pencil from Jisung's old school bag which, luckily still had some supplies.

He sat down on the floor, and decided to make a list of necessary things that he would need this winters. He thought of buying some things before the winters began officially as they would be cheaper during off season. He looked around the room to get an idea of what he wanted to buy.

Once again, heating mattress was on top of the list. He gave it a thought for a minute and stared at the list. 

He sighed and kept it aside. What was most important right now was to look for a goshiwon.  He had already been to few of them and he even liked one or two. They'd be cheaper, he told himself. I can save more money for emergencies, he thought.

He suddenly got up and looked for his passbook in his bag. He opened it and looked at transactions. His eyes scanned the book, he bit his lips as he checked the balance. There was  a little less than one hundred thousand Korean won in his account

He doesn't know why he even opened it in the first place. I need to save more, he mumbled.

What if Jisung was suddenly in need of money?

Jeno quickly got ready he wanted to visit one of the goshiwon before his night job began.

He finalised the deal with the owner, he'd move in about a week.

"Good evening, sir!" Jeno greeted the owner of the stall. The man greeted him back and gave him a plate of tteokbokki to eat before he began working.

Jeno thanked the boss as he went to the back of the store, he sat on the plastic stool and placed the plate on his thicc thighs.

He didn't realise how hungry he was until he stomach growled and finished it quickly.

He collected all dirty, used utensils and took them to the washing area. He squatted on the floor and started to lather dishes with soap.

He dried the utensils with a cloth before placing them back in their position.

Night went on like this for Jeno. There wasn't anything unusual about it. By the time he was done with work his legs were jiggly. Getting up and squatting throughout the work always took toll on his legs.

He limped home sometimes, for him, everyday was a leg day.

He checked his phone to see a missed call. It was Renjun's. Jeno checked the time.

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