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Finally, the day approached when Jisung and Jeno left Incheon and headed to Seoul to start another phase of their life. Jisung had filled form of the medical college in Seoul and both brothers were eagerly waiting for the result to disclose, it was the last chance for Jisung, most of the colleges had rejected his application despite him having a good GPA because they didn't offer scholarships or omega's requirements were not up to the mark.
This college was the last chance for Jisung, if the college rejected his application then he would have to stay at home for a year. 
Jisung wanted to become a nurse, he wished to become a doctor but the medical schools hardly accepted any omegas.
It was the harsh truth, all the omega doctors were either extraordinarily intelligent or plainly rich, it was just a dream for a person like Jisung to become a doctor. So, the next thing to that was nursing and Jisung decided to take admission in that field.

Jeno didn't show it, but he was worried about the result even more than Jisung. He knew that if Jisung didn't get admission to this college, his hearteu would shatter. He didn't want to see his brother in misery.
Jeno, himself was very disappointed because of him, few colleges rejected Jisung's application. He cried a lot that day, only if he had a stable, full-time job he would have been able to pay for Jisung's tuition fee.

He sighed, there was no reason to think about it again and again, but he couldn't help but feel guilty.

Both brothers were in a bus right now, Jisung was looking out of the window like a little child, his eyes shined as he saw different things. Jeno smiled at the younger's reaction.

He had informed Donghyuck that they would arrive today and Hyuck told him that he would pick them up. Jeno tried to refuse but the older boy was hell-bent on his decision.

As promised, Donghyuck was there to pick them up. As soon as he saw the brothers, he ran towards them and hugged them tightly. Donghyuck smacked Jeno a few times and scolded him for leaving the elder alone.

Hyuck then gushed Jisung with kisses, Hyuck started crying because he was so overwhelmed.
"C'mon, let's go." Haechan helped them with their luggage and carried them towards the car parking lot.

As they neared the car, they saw a boy standing in front of the car. He had platinum blonde hair, had sunglasses on, a neon green hoodie, loose grey sweat pants and white shoes. He was really handsome, Jeno thought.

The guy removed his glasses and smiled at the approaching group, " Hello, my name is Renjun, nice to meet you!"

Jeno looked at Donghyuck, he was unsure if the guy was talking to him or Donghyuck.

Donghuck nodded his head at Jeno, who bowed lightly to greet Renjun, " Hello, my name is Jeno and this is my younger brother, Jisung," he pointed at Jisung, " Nice to meet you too."

" He is my friend. He wanted to accompany me." Donghyuck explained.
" Yes, I wanted to know who Jeno was because Hyuckie wouldn't stop talking about him." Renjun smiled.
Donghyuck smirked at Renjun and said, "guys, let's put your stuff in the car first, and then we can go to grab lunch together."
Jeno and Jisung obliged.
Renjun was bursting from happiness inside, he kept glancing at Jeno and when he'd get caught, he smiled.

They sat down in a booth, Haechan went to order food for them.
" So... how old are you Jeno?"
" I am nineteen years old, " Jeno spoke softly, his face was turning little red as Renjun's gaze lingered for a long time.
" and you, Jisung?"
"I turned eighteen this month!" Jisung said excitedly.
"You're a big boy, aren't you?" Renjun said Jisung bobbed his head in agreement.
" You don't talk much ?" Renjun asked Jeno again, the said boy only spoke when asked questions.

" It's not like that." Jeno tried to explain, " I'm kidding," Renjun quickly told him.
"So, do you have a mate?" He asked eyeing Jeno.
"Uh, no. I haven't found one yet."
"Okay... what about you Jisung?" Said boy just shook his head.
" You must be really close to Hyuckie, if he's told you about me," Jeno spoke. Renjun stared at him for a second before he snapped out of it and replied, " You can say that my mate is a business partner slash family friend of Suh's. Moreover, I'm always at their house because Taeyong Hyung is practically my mom. Oh! Do you know Taeyong Hyung?" Jeno nodded his head.

" Hyuck has told me about him, though I have never met him personally, I used to work at a café which is owned by him."

" What are your plans, Jisung?"
"I have filled form or a medical school here, I just hope they'll accept me. I want to pursue nursing."

" That is great! My younger brother is also in the medical field, he'll become a doctor." Jisung nodded in acknowledgement.
" If you need any help, you can contact me anytime. You too, Jeno." Renjun smiled in end.

" Ugh, I'll go see what's taking Hyuck so long?" Renjun groaned.

As soon as the older omega left the table, both brothers began to chat, Renjun seemed like a friendly person who had left a good impression on both brothers.

Oh the other hand, Hyuck was explaining to Renjun how he was buying them more time to talk so they could get to know each other.
They went back to the table and chatted until their food arrived, Jeno and Jisung really enjoyed the meal because it was a luxury for them, eating in a restaurant was very special. It may be ordinary, nothing extravagant like a five-star restaurant, but it was the same experience as one would feel in a Michelin restaurant.

Renjun paid for the food, Jeno was hesitant at first but a reassuring glance from Hyuck told him otherwise. He bowed slightly to thank Renjun, who just brushed it off.

" Shall we take you to your new home?" Haechan asked.
Jeno and Jisung nodded. Jisung closely followed his brother.

Renjun drove the car as Hyuck gave him directions, they reached another side of the town where there were buildings full of one-room apartments to goshiwons.
This place was totally different from what Renjun had imagined, they parked the car on the main road since the road leading further were narrow. They offloaded the car, grabbed all the stuff and carried it in front of a small building.
"This is the best I could find, JenJen." Hyuck sighed

" Actually, I don't really mind as long as there is a roof over our head," Jeno said.
Renjun glanced at him and then at the building, " Let's go inside then," Hyuck jingled the room keys, " room number one zero five, first floor."

Donghyuck handed the key to Jeno, " Open it." Jeno nodded, he closed his eyes and opened them after few seconds, He gasped when he saw the room it was the nicest room he had ever lived in. Everything was organised and it was spotless.

" Hyuck, is it even possible to get a room like this in my budget? Did you do something? This is way better than what I imagined and I don't think that I can afford it."

"oh, JenJen don't worry, everything is alright here. Just calm down and enjoy. You can definitely afford it."

"I don't know..." Jeno looked down at his feet. Donghyuck hugged him tightly.
"Trust me, Jeno." He whispered in younger's ear.

Renjun skipped happily and wrapped his arms around Jaemin's neck. "Today, Hyuckie officially introduced me to Jeno. You'll love him! He is so shy and sweet, he is a baby material, perfect omega. Hyuckie had to reassure him about different things. I wished you were there.. will you go along with me tomorrow to drop some groceries at his house.
We can't give him money, but I want to help him with these little things."

Jaemin sighed, "Renjun, I am not sure. You're not even his friend, you can't just go to his house and give him stuff, that is Hyuck's job."
"Then can we-" "no you can't invite him to dinner! He'll think you're weird."
Renjun sighed.

Wait a minute!
He can't invite Jeno to his house without looking suspicious but Hyuck could do that! Right? Wonderful!

He kissed Jaemin and trotted back to his room. " You're so smart! That is why I love you." He told his alpha.

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